Sunday, November 30, 2008

Somethin' smells a little 'off'!

Q. Another woman was curious to know about her cat’s behaviors and personality. This little black & white cat, I had know about 6 years already. On this visit, I found the little female to be acting a bit out of character. When I spoke to her, she was very evasive with her answers.

A. She did allow me to body scan her energy. I found that there was a lot of cloudiness in the top half of her head. When I asked her about it, she sent me the smell of the new air purifier that I had just purchased and plugged in at the office, only days earlier. The first day that I plugged it in, I found myself immediately sensitive to the ‘smell’ that it gave off even though my employee and customers didn’t notice the smell when I asked them their opinion.

The scary part of this story is that she sent me back the smell 5X stronger than I could smell it. It was very dominant and overpowering for her little body and lungs. Obviously, it was affecting her mental clarity and sinus’.

My intuition told me to unplug the device the same day that I started using it, but I didn’t. With her help, I had all the proof that I needed. It wasn’t benefitting any of us, so I unplugged it, never to be used again.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

How would you like it?

Q. I love to read articles about animals doing bizarre things. I read about an elephant in an American zoo, who had attacked and killed her handler. The staff reported that she had always been a cranky elephant. I was curious to know why the elephant did what she did, especially after working with the same person for a number of years.

A. When I connected with her she told me that the handler was going to do a medical procedure on her. Her perception was that they were going to sterilize her so she defended herself and ended up killing the woman.

I then asked her why she’s cranky all of the time? She told me that there is no rest, they are always watching!’

I have twice undertaken to install a full live web cam system at my kennel that would allow clients to log onto the site and view all of the cat’s at any time. This zoo, and many other zoos, are equipped with live web cams to view the animals at will. After speaking with this elephant, I decided to ditch the project once and for all. It’s just not right. All animals and many people can sense if they are being watched. The fact that the viewing is done remotely, via cameras, doesn’t change that reality.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Mirror, mirror... (Part 2 of 2)

Q. The same young woman wanted me to talk to her ferret. She had three but the baby, the one year old female, had developed severe diarrhea and had almost stopped eating. This ferret was also very attached to her mother’s energy. I knew it was a stress issue. The little ferret was very reluctant to speak with me. She was afraid to admit to anything that I asked her.

A. When I asked her if she was the one of the three ferrets that had the diarrhea problem, she came back quickly and adamantly saying, ‘It wasn’t me!’ I wasn’t getting anywhere with her. She was very evasive.

The woman took her to the vet and the ferret was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and put on the same medication that the young woman was on herself. The woman still couldn’t figure out why her ferret would stop eating for long stretches at a time. I had known this woman for a year and was aware of how often she was sick with IBS and would stop eating too. I asked her to look back at the last couple of times that her ferret was off of her food. I said to her, ‘Weren’t you sick over those same exact dates as well?!’ I knew she had been. I explained to her that each time she gets an IBS attack, loses her appetite or feels nauseous, her ferret gets the same symptoms. I told her that it’s not a coincidence.

It’s hard for anyone to be told they are making their animal sick, but if we are never aware of the co-relation, how can we hope to change or improve it?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Enough already! I get it! (Part 1 of 2)

Q. Another young woman that I know had many small animals at her home and a new 1 year old Beagle puppy. This little dog always seemed to be sick with something, either diarrhea, vomiting, infections or he would go off of his food. She asked me to talk to him about his frequent sickness’.

A. He told me, ‘ I have no rest! She’s always worried about me!’ I asked him to tell me examples of the kinds of things that she worries about. He told me, ‘ I’ll get hit by a car, Someone will steal me, I’ll get lost, I’ll get swept away in the river....’

This woman was very attached to her pup. All animals are very open and sensitive to our energies and our stresses, even to our internal ‘chatter’. This little guy couldn’t escape her fears and it was stressing him out completely. This in turn, was affecting his health, immune system and nervous system.

I asked the young woman if she ever worries about her dog? She said immediately, ‘No, never! She could tell that I had already spoken with him. I asked her if she ever worried about the things that the dog had listed to me. She turned pale and with disbelief said, ‘I think all of those things, all of the time!’ I told her to stop worrying about him if she wants her dog to get and stay healthy. She had been totally unaware of her thoughts and how they were impacting her dog’s health, up to that point.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A little bit of this... a little bit of that...

Q. A family brought me their cats and a one year old green dragon lizard, in a terrarium. I was curious to talk to the little female lizard.

A. I asked her how she liked the cats that she lived with? She was a bit afraid of them and didn’t feel completely safe in her environment. I asked her if she’d like to have the company of another lizard? She said she would like a male lizard companion. I asked her if she was lonely, is that why she would like a friend? She was very open and blunt in her response. She didn’t want a full time male companion. She only wanted to have ‘intimate’ relations with one, sometimes. Otherwise, she was fine living on her own.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm the best! I win!

Q. A woman brought me her three cats regularly. She had warned me from the first visit that her big Siamese male made a habit of spraying around their house, usually on things belonging to her husband such as his leather shoes or briefcase. The three cats all did very well in the group environment that I offer and this cat never misbehaved at my kennel until last year. I caught him, right in front of my eyes, spraying on a wall. I was shocked. He’d always been very friendly and social. He left me with no choice.

I had to separate him into his own individual room where he behaved perfectly by using his litter box each day. Once in his own room, I decided to have a conversation with him to determine why he’d started spraying now at my kennel.

A. He told me that ‘He felt like it. He’s the biggest, the strongest and wanted the other cats to know that!’ I asked him why he did this at his home? He said essentially the same thing, gave the same reasons. I told him that his parents were very angry with him, especially his father, when he did that at the house. He said, "I know!". I told him that he was risking his parents getting so fed up that they would find him a new home. He replied, ‘She wouldn’t!’. I told him that his mother was getting a lot of pressure from his father to find him a new home if he didn’t stop. He replied again, even more confidently, ‘She wouldn’t!’ I said that he’s pretty certain about that! He said, ‘She won’t!’

When the woman returned to collect her 3 cats, I told her what had happened and about the conversation. I explained that he is very confident that she won’t get rid of him. She replied instantly and very strongly, ‘I won’t!’ I told her, ‘That is the problem right there!’ He knew, with certainty, that she wouldn’t find him another home.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Let me tell you a secret!

Q. A very shy, timid black cat stays at my kennel regularly. She has a licking problem and will lick herself raw in patches. A lot of vets put this behavior off to a food or skin allergy. I’m quite convinced that most of the cats with this compulsion do it as a stress reaction. This particular cat would always stop doing it while she was at my kennel, even for extended stays of one month or more, but would always resume the behavior as soon as she returned home.

The woman called me a short while after returning from a winter holiday to say that her cat was very happy and friendly with her. She’d really come out of her shell, which pleased her but she said the licking was back with a vengeance and that she already had brand new open lesions on her body since returning home. I decided to check in with the cat, once again, to see if she would tell me anything new this time. Our relationship was a real work in progress. She would only tell me so much each time we spoke.

A. This time though, she was very open with me and happy to have me to relay her message back to her mother. She told me that her mother was emotionally very stressed and that her mother had serious health issues that she, in the cat’s opinion, wasn’t even aware of. She referred to an irregular heart beat, organ troubles and an excessive build up of toxins present in her system.

The little cat was very stressed out about not being able to tell or warn her mother about her health issues. The woman had found it funny that, since returning from this past trip, her cat had started coming onto the bed each morning and wanting attention. She would lie on her chest and purr. The cat told me, and it’s not the first time I’ve been told this by a cat, that ‘the purring helps her’! Most people aren’t aware that a cat’s purr holds the exact same vibration as the earth’s frequency. Most of the time, the cat’s are just plain happy when they purr, but many times, they are trying to boost our energy to a higher, happier, healthier vibration.

When I told the woman about her cat’s concerns regarding her health, the woman explained to me that she was hospitalized overseas during this, her last trip, with an irregular heartbeat and that she was currently doing a detox for her organs. I suggested that she get checked by her doctor here, in Canada, to see if there are any recurring health issues. If the doctor comes back with a clean bill of health, she should sit down with her cat and explain to her that she is fine now. Explain that she did have some issues but now she’s fine. I told the woman that her cat may just be picking up on bits and pieces of her thoughts and conversations and may not be fully understanding. So, to relieve her cat’s anxieties, maybe she should just re-assure her that she’s fine and give her more information so that she doesn’t over-react.

It’s important to note that an animal, especially if they have only one main care giver, can feel very insecure and unstable if faced with the prospect of that one person becoming very ill or dying. They may react like a child would if they lose a parent.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Don't be sad. (Part 3 of 3)

Q. This same young lady called me almost a year later. She was very upset at the time. She asked me to speak with her dog (#23) once again. Her senior dog had regular bouts of diarrhea but it had gotten worse and now she’d gone off of her food too. Also, her dog had been peeing in the house occasionally over the past year but lately she started doing it all the time, even right in front of them. It had gotten to the point that her mother had decided to have the dog put to sleep.

A. I spoke with the dog about her health. She mentioned not having much of an appetite lately. She also said she’d been having blood in her stool. She told me that she gets regular migraines and general fuzziness in her head. Aside from her headache, I didn’t pick up much else that worried me about her physical condition so, I questioned her about her emotional shape. She was very tired and ready to go but her physical body wasn’t letting her go so she found another way to have her wish granted. She was completely aware that her mother was fed up with the messing in the house and would have her put to sleep if it continued or got worse, so, she made it worse!

When I spoke to the young lady I asked her ‘Who in your house has trouble with diarrhea? She said that she does. I asked, Who gets migraines in your house? She did and her mother. I asked if she, herself, had been off of her food lately? She had.

I explained to her that animals will often either try to take our sicknesses away from us by taking them on themselves or, they can be so attached to our energies that they aren’t strong enough to shield themselves from our physical and emotional difficulties and end up feeling our stresses and ailments without wanting to. I explained to her that her little dog was very tired and was ready to leave but that she needed their help. I told her to not be angry with her mother or feel guilty about putting her to sleep because it was really an act of kindness that she would be doing for her dog.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Girls just wanna be girls! (Part 2 of 3)

Q. The same young lady asked me to talk to her black and white female cat to find out how she felt, why she never sleeps on the bed with her and why she kills other animals all the time?

A. Her little cat was a chatty one. She said that she catches bunnies, squirrels, rabbits, birds and mice. She doesn’t kill them for food. ‘It’s fun, it’s sport, it’s exercise for me’. She doesn’t eat the birds. She says ‘they’re not good, not tasty, they make her sick sometimes’. She thinks it’s because ‘they’re hard to digest’.

She described herself as happy overall with her life. She doesn’t sleep on the bed with the young girl ‘because she moves a lot and farts a lot, all of the time.’

Friday, November 21, 2008

Everyone's a comedian! (Part 1 of 3)

Q. A young lady asked me to talk to her senior dog, Scooter. She was curious to know what the dog thought of her. She also wanted to know whether or not her dog was happy and if and when he wasn’t, that he gives her a sign to show her his unhappiness.

A. The old dog said that she’s quite happy most of the time except for when the family argues and when she’s left alone at the house because noises scare her. She said that to show that she’s unhappy, she will lie on her back with her feet in the air whining and howling loudly, nonstop.

The little dog was quite enamored by the young girl saying that ‘she’s always nice to her, plays with her, she’s a good girl’. When I asked the dog what kinds of things make her laugh she said that ‘she did!’ ‘ I’m funny! I laugh, I joke, I tell funny stories’. To who, I asked? The cat!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I can't help it! (Part 2 of 2)

Q. The same woman asked me to question the grey tabby cat about why he goes absolutely crazy when he is left alone overnight or longer in the house, even with someone checking in on him. She wanted to know what he’d be most comfortable with if she and her friend wanted to go away for a few days or a week even, to the cottage without him. ( He couldn’t handle car rides so she didn’t want to put him through that, even though he would love being at the cottage).

A. He told me that he doesn’t just get upset or stressed out when he’s locked up alone in the house overnight, he has actual panic attacks that turn into full blown, uncontrollable claustrophobia attacks. He said he’d be much happier being left outside when they need to go away. He asked that one of the neighbors just leave him some food and water outside each day. That was his definite preference.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It'll all be fine in the mornin' (Part 1 of 2)

Q. A woman was concerned about her grey and white male tabby cat and contacted me to talk to him for her. She was concerned about a large growth that had formed very quickly and was giving him obvious pain. Her previous cat had developed similar growths that she had removed by a vet but later regretted the decision because her cat had suffered from the invasive surgery.
Her current male cat had been feral and she knew that he wouldn’t do well in a confined situation, let alone in a vet’s office.

She wanted me to ask him about the growth and if he wished for her to have it surgically removed or would he prefer to just let it be and go with the flow, even if it meant he could become seriously ill or die.

A. The big grey tabby told me that it was only an abscess and would need to be opened up and drained. He’d be ok with her having the vet come to the house to perform the procedure but wasn’t comfortable to go to a vet clinic. The woman had a mobile vet stop at the house to examine him and sure enough it was only an abscess. He cauterized it, drained it and put him on antibiotics. He had remained perfectly calm throughout the whole procedure and healed up quickly.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's tough being this cute all the time!

Q. A woman asked me to talk to her son’s 1-year-old puppy who refused to pee outside. After all of these months, the puppy would pee on the floor each time that they would bring him inside after a walk. He refused to do his business outside.

A. The dog was very leery to talk to me. He was completely uninterested and distrustful of me. It took time to warm him up but he did agree to talk to me in the end. It turns out that he had lived many traumatic experiences in his short life at the hands of people and had since decided that every person was a threat and wanted to harm him. He hated being outside for walks, especially in parks because people would always come over to visit the cute little puppy that he was. It terrified him when strangers approached him. He told me, 'They will all harm me. You'll see!'

He knew he was supposed to do his business outside but would get so scared that he couldn’t relax enough to relieve himself. I tried reasoning with him about how most people are really gentle but he wasn’t having it. I bounced the idea off of him about if he’d do his business in his own backyard instead of in the house. He answered me that he didn’t feel that it was his back yard!

I suggested to the people that they paper towel up any urine that he leaves on the floors inside the house and wring out the paper towel in the backyard, being sure to mark out the whole perimeter. Then I suggested that they contain him to his own backyard rather than walking him. Using distractions such as playing catch or ball or brushing him in the back yard until he gets more confident and comfortable with the idea of being out there, seeing it as his territory and using 'his' outside bathroom.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Things aren't always as they seem.

Q. A woman asked me to talk to her neighbor’s aggressive male German Shepherd dog to discover why it had attacked her friend’s little Terrier on the front lawn, while it was over visiting. This aggressive dog, had charged across the road, onto her property, completely unprovoked and he seriously attacked the little dog. I have talked to some extremely clever animals but this one tops them all on my lists for troubled, crafty and manipulative. The following conversation is only a small exerpt from the long talks that I had with all three dogs involved. There was much more said that caused me concern!

A. This aggressive Shepherd lived with a very gentle German Shepherd ‘sister’. Throughout the first half of our conversation, he tried to get me to believe that she was the aggressive dog in the house/ park/ neighborhood. He told me that their parents never let his sister run off the leash in a park or anywhere else because she attacks other dogs. I asked him why she is aggressive like that? He told me that ‘she doesn’t love herself, she’s hard on herself, puts herself down and calls herself names like ‘stupid dog’, ‘good for nothing stupid dog.’ He described her as being ‘a smart girl, a nice girl’. I wasn’t getting anywhere with my line of questions, so I changed the conversation back to him by asking if he likes other dogs? He said he doesn’t, 'they’re not nice, name calling, they’re just mean!' They call him a ‘stupid brute, a wild animal, good for nothing piece of meat'. I asked him why they would call him such mean names? He replied ‘ I like to fight, I’m tough, they think I’m nasty work.’ He admitted that he likes to fight because' he likes to win. It’s fun. It’s sport. It’s fun to be intimidating’. He said he fights other dogs to hurt or kill them. I asked him if he fights people too? He answered, ‘I do. I told you. I like too win!’ He liked scaring people. He said he would hurt people. I asked him if he tried to kill people before? He replied, ‘Not allowed! They’d kill me, put me to sleep for being bad like that.’

He explained to me how his previous family didn’t want him. Said he was too much trouble fighting all of the time. He was completely confident that his current family wouldn’t put him to sleep for killing another dog. I asked him why he thought that? He said, ‘They wouldn’t!’
Then, being the very clever dog that he is, told me that he fights other dogs ‘to prove my worth to anyone at all. I earn my keep!’

I asked him why he attacked the little white Terrier. He told me, ‘ I felt like it’. I asked him if the little dog had called him names? He said, ‘No’. I asked if the little dog had threatened him? He replied, ‘No way!’ I asked what he said to the Terrier before he attacked him? He told me, ‘I’m coming for you!’ I asked him why he didn’t like the little dog? He told me ‘He’s stuck up, pampered too much’. He said the little dog’s family ‘is stuck up too, they treat him like he’s royalty, like he’s a king!’

Sunday, November 16, 2008

That should do it!

Q. Another woman discovered that I do animal communication from one of my ads. She asked me to talk to her two cats. One of the cats had started pooping on the inside mat at the front door each evening. The first cat that I dialogued with wasn’t interested in offering me any real information. I got mostly yes/no answers to my questions.

A. But, the second cat, Schultz, was very chatty once he trusted me. He told me about an older man that comes around the house, usually in the evening. He comes inside sometimes when their parents aren’t home. He believed that his parents think of this man as their friend but that he and his brother don’t like or trust this guy.

When asked why he poops at the front door he said that it was to keep ‘him’ out! I offered if he had anything to tell me. He said, ‘Make him go away!’. I asked if he had anything to tell his mother? He said, ‘I’ve been bad, sorry about it, make him go away.’ To his father he said, ‘protect your house, make him go away!’

Schultz agreed to resume using his litter box again once the man was gone for good. I called the customer to discuss my conversations. She told me that the house sitting company that they’ve always dealt with had sent them a new sitter the last time they were out of town. She also remembered that the cat started messing in the house, for the first time, during that trip and that they had returned home to a stinking mess when they opened the door. The problem hadn’t ceased since and the couple had been discussing for weeks their next, impending vacation using the same house sitting service.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What's in a name? I'll tell you!

Q. A married couple that I had just met introduced me to their mini Doberman, Booker. They said that he does peculiar stuff. He won’t settle down. He is always milling about. He has trouble to relax and he regularly urinates upstairs on the rug. These people referred to the dog, a few time, in the course of a few short meetings as not being very bright, not like their old dog or current cat.

A. When I spoke to him, one of the first things that he said was that he didn’t like his name because ‘it wasn’t important, wasn’t really a name, didn’t mean anything. He wanted a name like Peter or George or Mike, one that meant something.’

He went on to explain his behavior. He wanted his mother to stop being so stressed out all the time and said ‘you’ll kill yourself like that!’ He was very concerned that ‘she thinks so much all the time, her head is always so busy. He could feel and hear her chaos, in her mind and it made him stressed out all the time. He was messing in the house mostly for attention. He wanted them to spend more time with him and to take him more seriously. 'He had a lot to say' but wasn’t being heard.

Friday, November 14, 2008

... and a pinch of B12

Q. A regular customer brought me their big old orange tabby, Oscar. He’d always drunk a great deal of water and had a sensitive stomach. He was prone to serious diarrhea if he ate too much of his prescription food or other kinds. On this visit, he had just been diagnosed with a thyroid condition.

A. He told me he’d had the problem about a year before it was discovered. He also explained to me that he gets headaches sometimes, ‘they come and go’, but he hadn’t had one since starting the thyroid medication but wasn’t sure if the two were related.

I asked him if he was missing anything in his diet. He told me that he needed more amino acids, B12 and potassium. I asked which foods would provide him with these vitamins. He told me ‘raw spinach, B12 - leafy greens, sardines for amino acids and potassium in supplement form only.’ I asked if these things would make him feel better and/or help his thyroid condition. He thought that they would make him ' more lively and healthy.'

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why So Scared? (2 Part)

Q. One of my customers who had taken in numerous stray neighborhood cats asked me to speak to her very skiddish cat to find out why she was so scared all of the time. I had met a few of the woman’s other adopted cats and asked Frippette what she thought of her ‘big brother’, Gumbie. He is a large white cat with dark tabby patches and was missing part of his foot.

A. She told me that he’s very mean to her and calls her names. He tells her she doesn’t belong there. Most of the other cats treat her a little better but they also tell her that ‘she doesn’t belong in the house with them.’ She explained that they call her ‘princess and prima donna!’ She said it’s because they’re jealous of her coat, her eyes and her beautiful body. She felt clearly intimidated by Gumbie in particular. She was worried that he’d hurt her if she stood up to him.

15. I can’t explain! I just do! (Part 2 of 2)
Q & A. Upon talking to Gumbie, he admitted bullying her because he thought it was fun to tease her and make her run and hide. He said that ‘she thinks she’s special, snobby, not nice and boring’. She tells him, ‘I’m the best, ha-ha, go away! He didn’t know why he gets so mad at her. ‘She prances around all the time. It’s the way she walks! He likes to ‘put her in her place. It’s fun, easy to do!’ He had no intention of giving up that sport!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Keep the past in the past!

Q. A woman asked me to speak with her cat who had died more than a year earlier. She was still very distraught about the fact that he had to be euthanised while she was out of town taking care of a serious family matter. He already had a multitude of serious health issues such as FIV, so when he refused to eat, the decision was made to put him to sleep.

She felt very guilty for not having been with him at the end, for not knowing if he was ready to go at that time and for not having explored other medical interventions that could have potentially saved him.

A. When I spoke to him, he informed me that he had already come back as another animal. He lives with a family in London, England as a dark tabby cat. He called it ‘a family of 3 - me, the dog Doodle and dad, makes three!’

I asked him if he had anything to tell his mother. He understood that she couldn’t be there; She had big things to do. He told her to ‘stop beating yourself up. I’m fine now. I’ll come again, you’ll see! Stop being sad.’ He could still hear her when she thinks about him now. He hears all of her sadness and guilt. He wanted her to know that ‘it makes me sad for her. That is not life really, living in the past like that. I’ll come again to her’.

He said that he wouldn’t have stopped eating if she didn't go away because ‘she would’ve helped me, would’ve made me stay!’ He knew that he’d miss her but was happy to go. ‘My health and my sicknesses were bad. I was tired. I wanted to leave, to rest again.’ He informed me that I knew him too, from my childhood. He was a barn cat that time.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pet Bed and Breakfast's Blog

November 11, 2008 - Day 1 of the Pet Bed and Breakfast Blog
Ottawa Cat Chit-Chat

This date globally marks Remembrance Day. For myself, It has a dual significance in that it marks the three-year anniversary of the first day that I flew to New York City and took a course in Animal Communication. I had my first ‘full conversation’ with an animal. A female turtle named ‘Sea’. It was a vivid, full color and intense conversation.

When you look back on your life and contemplate the single experiences that changed your world forever, this one, for me, is in my top five. It changed the way that I view all animals and animal relationships.

This blog will focus on what’s new, upcoming and exciting at my kennel, The Pet Bed and Breakfast , I will post fun pictures of my furry little guests that are boarding with us and I will recount many of my personal stories about some of the interesting things that animals say, do and are capable of doing.

I also invite people to send us an email with their animal questions (with a picture and name of the animal). I will pick one or two animals each week to speak with and try to uncover its core concerns or issues.

I realize that many people may believe that animals are only cute and cuddly, fun to be with and great company. My intention is to open up a whole new world to people.

" My work should change the way people relate to and interact
with their animals!"

1. Are you coming back?
Q. A regular customer asked me to find out about her cat’s past. She had found him as a stray on Montreal Road, Ottawa, years ago. She also was curious to know why he wouldn’t eat each time she had to be away and leave him alone in the house for a couple of days at a time.

A. He told me that he had lived with a young man, just the two of them, in downtown Ottawa. The man worked as a driver of sorts. He described him as kind, gentle, playful and fun, with a good sense of humor. He was treated like a friend, kind to him always. The man had lost his job, couldn’t feed or care for him anymore, went on social assistance and ended up moving away. A while later, he met his new ‘mother’. She found him outside wandering around stray, with no place to live.

When I asked him what makes him sad, he replied, thinking of dad and being all alone. He’s scared by the thought of being alone again with no place to live, no food, no home to go to.
I suggested that the woman, for future trips, take time to give her cat more information before she goes away. She should be sure to tell him that he’ll be fine, checked in on and fed and that she will absolutely return in a couple of days.

2. The heart doesn’t lie.
Q. I was asked by one of my regular customers to check in with their senior orange male tabby cat to find out how his health was. He was 18 years old and taking various medications for thyroid disease, heart murmurs and appetite stimulants on a regular basis for not eating.

A. When asked how his health was, he replied ‘not bad, very good considering what I’ve been through!’ He explained he’d had a mild heart attack a month earlier and that he regularly gets angina attacks on the left side of the heart wall. He said that they are painful and frequent, usually brought on by stress, trauma or heartache. I asked him to explain further. He said he has attacks each time his ‘parents’ leave him alone over night. He gets very stressed at being left alone at home for the whole night. He had lived his whole life with this senior couple and he felt great ‘heartache’ from missing them.

His people weren’t aware of the heart attack or angina attacks and they decided to make a point of not leaving him alone at home over night anymore.

3. That’s the life!
Q. A family brought me their guinea pig, lizard and cat to the kennel. They were interested to know more about their long-haired orange and white guinea pig’s personality.

A. Among the various vegetables that he listed as favorite foods, he said he likes to eat tree bark because it gives him something to do. He thought the phone cord made a great toy. He found it funny when the lizard would bend his whole spine backwards. He was afraid of being outside and attacked by ants. He’s never lived that experience but was worried they would hide in his hair. He wanted me to tell his mother not to take him away. I asked why he thought that? He said he hears them talking and thinking about it. I asked him what he longed to do? He told me he’d like to lie naked beneath a tree. He admitted he’d never done that before but wanted to ‘ because it’s so Bohemian!’

4. How sweet it is.....
Q. I came across an online scientific research article. The research team had concluded that cats don’t possess the ability to taste sweetness in their food.

A. A short time after I learned animal communication I spoke to a grey female cat that boards with me regularly. I wanted to ask her about her current kidney condition and if her body needed anything to help control the illness. In our conversation, I asked her about her favorite foods. I was very surprised to find out that she loved all things sweet. The cat listed off some of her favorites such as donuts, cookies, pumpkin pie, cake, chocolate bars and milk. When I mentioned this to her parents, they didn’t believe it at first but as our chat progressed they remembered instances of how she likes to pester them for rice pudding, ice cream and caramel pudding each time they had some themselves. She always insisted on having a taste.

I’ve had many cats tell me that they like sweets and junk food. Each time, and I’ve heard it often, that a cat tells me that they adore eating different melon fruit, they usually say it’s because it’s so sweet and juicy. This same grey female cat told me that she dreams about penguins running and sliding!

5. Big boys with short legs.
Q. I was very curious to speak to the first purebred ‘Munchkin’ cat (short legged) that stayed with me. He was orange and white, only months old at the time.

A. He loved being outside, especially in the ‘winter wonderland’ but admitted he was scared to be lost in a snow storm 'because of his short legs, he’d have far to walk'. He described himself as sweet, adorable, a good climber and listener with a heart of gold. He wanted me to know that ‘he’s a big boy with short legs’. When I asked him if he had any questions for me, he said ‘He wanted to know who did my hair. He liked it!’.

6. Butt out!
Q. A one-year-old tortoise shell colored cat came in for her first stay at my kennel. She was on medication for asthma. I was curious to know if there was anything else she needed in order to feel better/healthier.

A. She said she’s allergic to all smoke and cigarettes specifically. She wanted me to tell her parents to ‘stop smoking in the house. You’re killing me!’ She said it makes her feel dizzy, sick, like she wants to pass out and collapse. It makes it hard for her to breathe!’ I asked if her lungs were bothering her at my kennel. She said ‘Absolutely not!’ I enquired if she liked any other animal species. She liked hippopotamus' because they were big, stupid and dumb’. She liked to watch them run and play. I asked if she’d ever seen one in real? She said, ‘Not in this life time!’.

7. Fast, shiny objects...
Q. A woman asked me to talk to her dog after he’d been hit and injured by a car.

A. He said he’d chased the car because it goes fast. He tried to catch it. I asked what he’d do if he caught it? He said he’d sit in it, go for a ride in it. He said he loves car rides because they’re fast, fun, you go places and meet new people. He said it’s a change from the ordinary of staying at home all the time. I asked if he planned to chase cars anymore? He said, ‘ not really, not at all, it’s hard, you get hurt, they’re big and strong, too fast for me'.

He also said he’d like to have a one year old little male puppy in the house with him. He decided that the puppy would be more fun to play with at one year of age and strong enough to play rough. He liked kids because they are playful and run around a lot. He said he liked women because they are kind, loving and more gentle than men. He liked men because they’re fun to play with, they’re tougher, rougher and can pick me up in the air!’

8. I will wait for you!
Q. A female dark tabby that had boarded with me for years stopped in for a recent visit. She’d lost a lot of weight since her previous visit. She’d given me some trouble to eat this particular visit so I tried her on a wide variety of different foods until I found a new one that she really went for. Her ‘father’ called me a few days after she’d been picked up to tell me that she refused to eat her regular food. I told him the name of the food that she had eaten for me. He mentioned that she’d been kinda off of her food for weeks prior to bringing her to me this visit. I decided to talk to her to see if she knew what was wrong with her.

A. She complained about getting frequent headaches, migraines really. They’d been going on for weeks before she came in this time. They were throwing her appetite off. She thought that she had a tumor in her head that was causing all the pressure between her eyes and causing the migraines. I asked her why she ate so well for me once I switched her food. She said she wanted to keep going, to see her parents again, before she died.

When I scanned her energy, I found that she did have strong pain on the right side of her head, toward the back.

9. This house just ain’t big enough...
Q. A neighbor was telling me about the new female puppy that they had brought home as company for their older female dog, who had recently lost her canine friend and house mate. The woman said that there is friction between the two dogs. It had started out fine initially but had since turned nasty.

A. I spoke to the older dog. She said she was unhappy because of ‘the brat’ in the house. She liked playing with the young puppy outside but not inside because the young one likes to show off for everyone in the house by playing hard with her and biting her, as if it’s a game. The older dog admitted biting the pup back but called it ‘self defense’. She explained that the young one plays well with her outside because she doesn’t think of fighting with her out there because she’s distracted and there aren’t people watching outside. The older dog said that the run-ins had escalated because both girls have decided that they want the house to themselves.

The ‘parents’ of the two dogs kept the younger pup for months after I gave them this information but in the end, they had to find her a new home because she even started getting aggressive with the woman’s husband to get all of the wife’s attention to herself. She wouldn’t let the husband near his wife.

10. Purr marks the spot! (Part 1 of 3)
Q. I was asked by a woman to talk to her senior black and white male cat to find out how he was feeling. He was having difficulty in getting up and walking

A. The cat told me that the pain was caused partly from arthritis and partly from a fall that he had sustained a while back. He mentioned that Reiki energy would help a lot. This was the first animal to tell me that acupressure would help him manage his pain. He even told me where the acupressure points were on him. Then he showed me, on me, how the pain shot up from the outside of his left back ankle to the top/center of his left hip. He figured that he would need acupressure treatments daily for a few minutes each day. When I asked him how his mother would know if she’s applying pressure to the correct pressure points, he said that he would meow to let her know when she’s found them.

11. Those treats sure are tasty! (Part 2 of 3)
Q. The same woman as in #10, wanted me to find out why her little guy was vomiting so much over the past few days.

A. He told me that he had a stomach sensitivity to intestinal worms. He had knowingly eaten some old baked goods that he had found outside that contained parasites. He couldn’t stop himself from eating the bad food because it was vanilla flavored and he loves vanilla ‘in anything’. He named a few of his favorite foods as being pastries, cupcakes, vanilla or chocolate ice cream and chocolate chips.

When I body-scanned him, he showed me, on me, how his stomach was moving around a lot. A similar feeling for us would be if we had a severe grumbling stomach from hunger. It felt like his stomach was moving. He said that they especially like it when he eats packaged cat treats.

Two weeks later, I spoke with his mother to find out how he was doing. He’d stopped vomiting after he was given the worm medication and, sure enough, he would meow when she performed acupressure on his points when she located the correct spots to manipulate.

12. Me thinks I saw a puddy tat! (Part 3 of 3)
Q. During this meeting, the same woman (#10 & # 11), asked if I could find out from him why he never goes upstairs in their house.

A. He told me that there is a cat spirit living upstairs in the house. He explained that the older male black/silver tabby isn’t very nice to him and he prefers not to confront him. He didn’t believe that the cat spirit would leave the house but said that it doesn’t bother him as long as he stays on the main floor or basement levels.