Our January's Art Contest was to design a Car Bumper Sticker for the Pet Bed and Breakfast..

The first place winner for January's Art Contest, 19 years of age and over, was Jen Mercier, aged 24. Her charity of choice for the cash donation portion of her prize, is The University of Ottawa Heart Institute... Well done Jen! Nice take on 'The Army Wants You!'

The second place winner for the 19 years and over age category, was Mitch Stein, aged 20. Nice work Mitch... The cats have a couple of airplane structures to fly around on at our Cageless Cat Kennel too...

The first place winner for the 18 years and under category, was Heather Jones, age 16.5. Her charity of choice is the Friends of Abandonned Pets.... Good job Heather. Very clean & simple & cat-chy..

The second place winner for the 18 years and under category, was Amber Stewart, aged 12. Cats, cats, cats... that says it all Amber.. Nice job!
A big thank you to all of our participants this month. We had quite a few more entries in January compared to our debut launch in December 2008.
The February 2009 Contest details can be found through our weblink on the right hand side of the blog homepage or though our website
http://www.petbedandbreakfast.ca/ . Our Subject Matter for the February Contest is ' Animal Graffiti'... no writing, no slogans.. just pictures...
We are starting to get some local media coverage for our Monthly Art Contest so this will help us to grow it into something very fun and big...Remember, There aren't only 4 winners each month.. there are 6 winners... Two first prizes, 2 second prizes and the 2 selected charities that receive a cash component as well... Lets go Ottawa! Show us your talent! Don't be shy!
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