(Left) Our friends Kashmir (white) and his brother Petit Loup (grey) joined us for Easter.... always nice to have them in... a very gentle duo....

(Above) Here goes Ellie (black) flirting with all the cute young boys again... This time, she's trying to engage Punkin (orange/white kitten) to play with her.... He's a very playful munchkin to begin with... so, there wasn't any arm twisting going on here! Punkin was only too keen to indulge her!

(Left) I see the cat 'train conductor.... but, oh wait... what's happened to his 'cat legs'.... That would be Daisy (grey/white)... she can be shy when she first comes in... but, she's all past that now! We thought it was cute just the same...
(Left) Banjo (grey tabby) is back in again.... He's discovered the hay bails.... actually, he remembered them, from his last visit.... this is one very sweet little boy...
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