(Right) We all recognize this big boy... and his signature posture... Simba (fawn/white tabby)... is back for another visit with his brother Gizmo (below)... Both boys are so gentle and social.... Gizmo (grey/white tabby)... is also giving us his standard, laid back pose... from the space ship.... That's usually where dad finds him when it's time to go home....
(Right) Frimousse (grey tabby) hasn't visited for a couple of years... He's in with his sister, Kira, the budgie.... This is a schmoozie little boy.... loves attention.. and the morning sunshine... He's doing great.

Simba (orange), Sacha (dark tabby middle) and Gypsy (dark tabby right).... What a fun picture... This is how the cats line up to watch our 'small animal' visitors, like bunnies and guinea pigs... They'll sit behind the french door, all eyes fixed on the little critters.... weighing on their every movement.... It's shear entertainment, for them, and for the 2 leggeds to observe...
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