(Left) In the background, we have one of our new friends, Milo (dark tabby), joining us for the first time. He, and Burt (dark tabby front), were kind enough to give us a nice pose for this pic. Both boys are very social and friendly. Milo is a single cat, in his household. Big Burt, is the older brother to Churchill, the young kitten (black/white) below.

(Left) I guess that this is Milo's cameo day.... Here he is again, on one of his favorite structures, the rainbow. Yes, you're right. That is little Churchill (black/white) again. Look back a few weeks, in this blog, and you will see how much this little kitten has grown already. This is the first time that I've caught him climbing the Pirate Boat's mast. He's still as curious and adventuresome as always.

(Left) Our very happy, playful twosome, Skye (Siamese kitten) & Jasper (black), do very little all day, BUT play! They became fast friends once they met. They liked playing hide & seek with the colorful fabric tunnel, that's on the floor. They would take their turn hiding inside of it, and the other would pounce at the shadows & motions, that they saw from the outside.

(Left) Kahlua (dark tabby) and his new friend Bootsie (orange tabby), are both staying with us for the first time. These two had zero adjustment period, when they arrived. I love it when cats consider the Pet B&B their home away from home, like these 2 did. Our boy Boots, is related to Shadow, the solid black female kitty, that visited us about 2 weeks ago.

(Left) Oh Hi, Stella! This gorgeous little girl is visiting us for the first time too. We spotted her, shortly after she arrived on Saturday, settled into one of our Kitty Cabs, parked right in front of the window. She is very sweet. She's adjusting very well, to her new short term accomodations.

(Left) More dark tabbies. Many people will recognize our handsome big boy, Felix (top). On the lower level, we have our gorgeous little girl, Sassy. Sassy is visiting us with her younger brother Charlie. I guess that these 2 cuties decided to pay Mr BigBird1 a visit, at the same time. Good thing that BigBird1 doesn't tire easily. He's usually the last one standing (sitting), when he engages the cats. He's small, but mighty!