(Left) Peggy Sue... Really, her name is just Peggy, but I can't seem to help myself!.. This is one schmoozie little girl... She sure likes the camera.. She is in once again with her 3 sisters & brother Simba. These 5 kitties blend right in with all of their new friends...
(Left) Jordan (dark tabby right) and Cali (calico left) were being quite entertained by my crazy LoveBird... When ever he gets bored, he comes down 'to earth' and teases all the cats, by pecking at them through the plexi glass... Who said that birds aren't funny!? The girls 'took his bait'... He sure knows how to get attention when he wants some!
(Left) Our handsome little 5 month old Skye (lilac point Siamese), just visited us for the first time. There was a lot of action to get used to, over this past weekend. He had a great time with Penelope, the calico youngster.... They would chase each other around each morning. He took quite a liking to our little old girl Mittens too. When Skye first arrived, he was a bit shy... Mostly, he just wanted to watch the goings-on , from a safe distance.... like the 2nd rung of my little step ladder, against our bathroom wall. We keep many litter boxes in our bathroom... so, he had lots to watch...
(Left) Tigger (dark tabby) is another of our youngster friends... He's an adorable little boy. The spaceship is, by far, his favorite play structure... He can watch every one and everything that's gong on outside, from up here. He's having way too much fun with his buddies Sandi, Jordan, Mater and Penelope, just to name a few.....That's our adorable little Jingles (calico), in the back ground, sleeping atop the fridge.. one of her fav spots.
(Left) I had to put this pic... I will put a better one of Penelope later, but I thought this one bears 'a second look'... We were in the midst of sweeping the floors for the morning... She ran across the big sono tube on the floor... but it looks like she entered the painted pink/purple one, except for the fact, that the pink one appears to 'have legs'.... It's cute, NON?!
(Left) My Mo-ga instructor, Moe, is back in for another visit with his big brother Gunther... This little guy loves to watch the world from upside down.... or sideways.... what ever... you name it, he does it.... Try punching the name Moe into our blog 'Search' feature, and you'll find a few of our past pics of this little crazy pants... He loves to make me laugh... You can use our Blog Search feature for any cat's name, if you are looking for past pics/posts... give it atry...
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