(Left) Felix (black) is sure loving the hay bails, now that I've parked my tractor and wagon in front of the sunny windows... He used to hide away in a bail, on previous visits. Now, he's front row and center.... or, middle row and center, in plain view of everyone that comes in. He does look rather comfy here.

(Left) Parker (white with orange) and Lillie (Bengal) both loved to hang out in the airplane. I wouldn't be too worried about what's going on down on the floor Parker.... little Lillie is on the way. She loved to follow him around, on his first visit, a few weeks ago to. Very funny.

(Left) Tutti (dark tabby) is having fun racing around. She isn't that interested to run up and meet strangers but she does great with the other cats. She has picked her favorite hay bail. If she's sleeping, that is where you'll find her. Otherwise, she can be spotted just about anywhere.

(Left) Zena (grey/white tabby) is one of my senior kitties. She and Monkey just moved into their new home. Grandpa says they have much more room now, to race from the end of one room to the next, and back again. Monkey is the more active of the two. Zena gets around well, but a slower pace.
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