(Left) My adorable Chiefie Weifie.... ( I know Chief... stop calling me that!!).. Anyway, this handsome dark tabby and I go way back... I always look forward to seeing him and his brother Eins.... I'm hoping to have a chance this week to check in with him & have another one of our fascinating chats....

(Left) Yes, this is another familiar face... My gorgeous girl Tuco (white) was just here not that long ago. She's back for a shorter stay this time. She already knows many of the cats that are visiting right now... Zaria, another gorgeous white kitty is still B&Bing...

(Left) My little girl Pumpkin (black & orange guinea pig) was being a bit shy when I took this picture.... I've known her for years. Eating her fresh morning veggies is an event that she looks forward to each day.. She's very gentle and doesn't mind being petted and handled. She gets a kick out of watching the cats playing through the french doors... when she has time!