My little gorgeous girl Luz (dark tabby) had lots of fun this visit. I told her mom & dad that she was particularly playful with the other cats this time. She's always hilarious on her own... but she really wanted to interact with her friends this week.

(Left) As always, Luz loves 'all things height'.... The airplane, space ship and the top of BigBird2's house.... are some of her all time favorite hang outs....

(Left) Not only 'birds' have perches you know! Luz loves to watch ... or, shall we say 'supervise' BigBird2 while he dines.... Just in case he starts choking or something.... She'll be there with the 'Luz-lick maneouvre' at the ready.... At your service BigBird!

(Left) Luz isn't the only kitty that loves resting on top of BigBird2's house.... She could hear nails climbing up the far side of the birdhouse... Yes, that would be little Monk (black) traversing .... or at least intending to traverse sides... but Luzzie didn't feel like company... so he slid back down to his side....

(Left) Daisy's (grey/white) dad asked if she is always up sleeping on top of the big pillows, on the stair structure... I guess that is where he usually finds her when he comes to collect Daisy & Rhubarb... I assured him that she often 'goes on tour' and will stop, drop & roll, right there in front of you, especially in the morning... when she wants more attention... These two had a great time...
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