(Left) Here's a little charmer... Angel (grey/white tabby) is very quiet & shy.... she's also very sweet and gentle.... She visited me this past week with her brothers Willson & Finlay. She is definitely the quiet one but all 3 were angels.... She found her favorite spot in the haybails...

(Left) Such a nice view from way up here in my hot air balloon.... Oh, look at all the little people down there.... Wait. I think I see my house! Well then, it must be a very clear morning Leftie (black)... This handsome boy is visiting with his brother Frankie again. He knows how to relax this one!

(Left) This gorgeous girl is Whippet (white/dark tabby) She has settled right into her favorite treehouse. She is less afraid of me this visit. She will even let me pet her a little already. She likes to do her own thing. She is very comfortable in her familiar surroundings...

(Left) Frankie (black & white) is always relaxed, just like his brother Leftie, above. This handsome boy loves the rainbow, almost as much as Zaria does. I'm sure that these 2 brothers are looking forward to exploring their new neighbourhoods in the coming months.... So many people changing homes this year... and it's all happening so fast for most of them.

(Left) Our handsome boy Simba (fawn/white tabby) was being entertained by Moe (black & white), in the airplane... who was doing his regular turn abouts again. Gorgeous little Maman (grey/white tabby) was more interested in Cleo, walking along the window ledges. Simba and Gizmo just went home yesterday... Moe & Maman, I will have for a while yet.
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