(Left) When Tigger's (dark tabby) mom & dad dropped him off this week for his summer holiday, we got chatting about how he loves height.... I asked them if they ever find Tigger walking across door tops..... He has never done it here before, to the best of my knowledge, but I snapped him doing this.... at about 9am this morning... Glad that my camera was upstairs at the time... Look Mom! New tricks! I'll demonstate this for you when we return home....

(Left) Kasia (dark tabby) was sitting so pretty in this mornings sun filled windows... The cats haven't been spending much afternoon time, right directly in the window like this, due to all of the heat... You'll find them there in the early morning for a bit, or in the mid to late afternoon, once the sun faces the back of the building... She's doing just great.

(Left) My adorable Portia (grey) has staked out her favorite kitty cab, close to the window..... If it starts getting too warm in there, she slips down to the floor of the cab, where it's cooler for her.... I have so many solid grey and grey tabbies in right now...

(Left) Felix (grey/white tabby) is visiting for the first time. He's a tall, handsome boy. He's a bit of a talker and loves attention... especially the head and neck scratch variety... That's our big cutie Pippin (black/white) on the top of my bus... It's also his first visit. He's adjusted so well. He loves being up high but is happy to follow me around when he wants more affection....

(Left) Here's our adorable Maman (grey/white tabby). She and her babies, Romeo & Catou are 3 of the most affectionate kitties that you'll meet. I'm guessing that their mom comes home each day to all 3 of them lined up, at the door, ready to tell her about their day... I'd also bet that it's a trick for mom to get her shoes and/or coat off, once she gets home... They can be very determined about giving and getting quality face time... Three little love bugs...

(Left) Our beautiful little Whippet (dark tabby/white) will return home today or tomorrow... She has visited often in the past months... and has quite gotten the hang of it! I set her up in her favorite tree house with her own food dish, as soon as she arrives, and she's good to go! You won't often see her down on the floor.... she prefers to do her exploring when it's quiet.... She's doing great too.
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