(Left) Peek-a-boo Sam (grey/white tabby). That suspended rug is a dead give-away... or, the bunk bed covers that have suspiciously doubled in volume.... This handsome little boy isn't a real people kitty. He does love his chin scratches, when you approach him, but he can be a shy lad... He went home earlier this week.

(Left) Remi (Abysinnian) has directed his attentions at a cat toy, for the moment. He doesn't generally find them as entertaining as his other feline friends.... I spotted him, earlier today, climbing into one of my tree houses, with a green pipe cleaner in his mouth... 'She doesn't keep pipe cleaners in the tree houses.... If you want to play with one in there, you're best to bring your own...!' He and his brother Linus are having too much fun!

(Left) There's my little PudgeWudge... Pudgewick (dark tabby/white) is also a bit on the shy side.... Oh ya. And she's not that crazy about her cat carrier either.... She and her sister Saucisse went home yesterday. Sounds like they have lots of fun changes gonna be taking place at their house in the coming weeks & months... I'm sure that they are both up for it!

(Left) Zapata (orange tabby) visited again last weekend. His folks say that he's finding the newest 2 legged addition to the family to be a bit of an adjustment, so far. New babies tend to get a lot of the kitties 'old portion' of attention... It's always a good idea to try to squeeze in a little one-on-one time, with kitty, for a daily child-free love-in.... and, don't ever forget that a little explaining to the cat, goes a long way...

(Left) OK. Could these two be twins or something!? Well, they aren't ... That's our gorgeous girl Esmeralda (black/white, airplane) and our adorable girl Saucisse is the one on the train car, below. Both girls are quite similar in personality too... They love to hamm it up for people and the camera.... Can you say Schmooze!!
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