Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The pace is mellow in preparation for the evening festivities!

Our girl Sophie (below) was playing in the airplane with 2 of her other friends. When she was ready to rest, she stretched out and let her little tummy hang through the floor opening.... Wow. I don't think I'll ever get that flexible.... regardless of how much yoga I do!

(Below) Our boy Jak (dark tabby) watches Kali (tortoise shell)playing, yet again, with another pen.... If I can't find any pens when the phone rings at the office.... I just go looking for Kali.... she'll know where I can find one!

(Right) Hunter (orange/white tabby) takes a little break from the morning sun through the picture window.... He's such a calm little Zen kitty...

(Below) Who else could it be upside down but Sneakers!!! Part cat/part human... I'll bet he lies on the bed at home like this too... just like his people... with his head on a pillow!
More with the black & white cats... little Romeo sleeps in the tunnel right below and our girl Xena curls up on the bottom corner bunk... another one of her favorite spots when she's in...

(Left) Felix floats about in his hot air balloon.... not a care in the world.... Life is good!

(Below) Little miss Catou tries her hand at 'Cat Racing'.... I think she'd look very cute with one of those small equestrian caps! I'm thinking a classic black one with a few rhinestones?! She's such a little girly girl!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

As the year winds down....

(Below) Askim sits atop Big Bird 1's house..... watching and waiting..... and waiting and watching... but Nope! He just refuses to come out and play with him! You're no fun Big Bird! Fine then. I'll find a four legged to play with instead!

(Left) Once again we have Leanna on the 'Purrcy' bunk bed and Mirette on the 'Bobcat' bunk bed.... she was a veritable Tiger when I first met her... just ask her mom & dad! She's all growed up now though... and has turned into a gorgeous little girl!

Whose afraid of black cats?! Not I! Good thing too... we've had an abundance of them in this Christmas.... In the yellow treehouse is Shadow. In the middle of the room, up high is Artiemes... there is a cat that would make you like black cats, if you don't already! On the floor, to the back of the picture, is Bello. The longer haired cat, in the front, is Frigo.... That's a lot of black hair.... sure glad it's all ceramic tile at the Pet B&B!
(Below) Our boy Roots gives the cat toy a good scratching.... nothing like a good scratch after a light lunch.... He and his brother Buster say Hi to mom down in the sunny south... and wish her a fabulous New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Business as usual

(Left) It was about 11 am on Sunday morning when I took this picture of little kitten Percy... looking verrry tired.... He plays very hard with his crazy little kitten friends... He had passed out cold about 5 minutes after taking this shot... Hi to Mom & Dad!
(Left) Gizmo gives me a nice pose for the camera. His dad takes him and his big orange brother Simba home today.... They visit us regularly... always a pleasure to have them!

(Right) Hanging out in the bails again.. we have Sophie (black/white), with Holly (black) and Felix, the dark tabby. We have about 20 bails on the back of this wagon... each one outfitted with it's own soft bed and privacy curtain... If we walked all the way around the wagon, peeking into each bail, we'd find another 5 or 6 kitties nestled in there at any time. I just built this structure before Christmas. It's proving itself to be one of their favorite spaces.
(Right) At snack time, we have (in the front) Aries, the orange tabby.. On the back counters, from the left.... Slip (orange tabby), Little Kiwi (grey) and on the right we have Cow (black/white medium hair) .... Yes, I know... they're on the kitchen counters....! That's ok.... everything here is built for the kitties... no 'off-limits' areas.... That's why they call it a 'Holiday'!!

(Left) Big Bird 1 puts on a 'song & dance' for the cats... On the left bunkbed, we have Jade (white cat)... Yes, we have two jades in right now... but not a name that we see often.... On the top of the phone booth, Tiggs (orange tabby) hangs out, looking very casual like... and Casey (black/white) peers out from the top shelf... He's not often far from Big Bird!

(Below) Our schmooze Buster (grey tabby) hams it up for the picture from inside one of the 'treehouses' ... while Artemis (black) sits on the chair below and little old girl Simba stakes out her 'ladybug' rug....

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday, the day of rest?

Hmm, lets see if we can spot all of the black and white cats! Isn't it Sunday? I thought it was Sunday!
Yes, morning time can be very busy for our little furries.... On the right (closest, black & white), we have little Sophie popping her head out of a bail of hay. She just arrived yesterday. Facing her is Charlie (dark tabbie with white main). I don't think she realized that Sophie was in there. On the floor to the left, at the front is Leanna, cute little dark tabby. Coming around the front of the tractor is Clara (black/white). On the chair in front of the bird house is Casey. Behind him, in front of the blue car is Pingu (black/white medium hair). In the window we have Tess and in the airplane above you'll spot Holly.

(Left) We have Hutch (black/white) in the right tree house and Darcy in the tree house on the left. They have both found themselves quiet spots during the morning 'rush hour'. They'll brave their way around after the craziness or once most of the others have parked their furry little pants on a soft pillow somewhere to sleep. For now, they are content to watch the goings-on below...

(Right) Just call it 'the girls' club'! On the floor we have Zaria (white) and The Misses (dark tabby). On the 'pirate boat' we have litte Jade in her favorite spot. This time accompanied by Joyia (on the right).

(Below) Manon (white with dark tabby patches) and Shrodinger (black/white) sit atop the space ship before 'take-off'.... Meanwhile, our big boy Axel (long haired dark tabby) is all comfortable inside. The space ship is one of the highest structures that I have built. It is suspended from the ceiling trusses... they get a great view of the outdoors from up here. Our little old girl Mozart sits in the blue and red castle behind/below the space ship.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

More friends stopping in...

(Right) Big girl Jade (white) watches Tiggy2 on the top of the phone booth. Helflin (orange) and Holly (black) aren't as curious right now.... curiosity hasn't got these cats... at least, not til they've had a short nap... then, business as usual!

(Below) Dixie, the tiny female kitten was shy when she first arrived.... I think she's been watching Winnie and Linus too much.... she's shaken off that shyness now!! Here, she climbs up to take a closer look at Linus, who had been sleeping until our little grey visitor climbed in!

(Left) Wagon ride anyone? ... We have our gorgeous Portia at the wheel and young Charlie girl as 'look-out' .... Holly hitches a ride on the bails of hay.... sure beats walking in this snow!

(Below) Who wouldn't be happy to awaken to find this little beauty under their CatMasTree?

Max is visiting this week with her 'brother' BooBoo the bunny...

Friday, December 26, 2008

The morning after....

Little Tiggy2 was bright eyed and not so bushy tailed this morning... Here she hangs out with the resident stuffed dog... 'He's ok... much quieter than the pup we have at home!
(Below) Big handsome Leo relaxes in the carpeted tree forest .... he has found himself a new favorite spot... lying in the carpet lined tunnels...way, way up!
(Below) It has got to be nap time... Esmerelda passes out in her favorite spot on the top deck of the corner bunk beds... Little Sweetie, if you can believe it, holds another one of his yoga poses, while sleeping this time.... and I think Juliette, on the bottom bunk bed, finishes up her bath time before settling down like the others....

(Below) Peanut (grey tabby) and Zaria look out the window while Poune (dark tabby) in townhouse watches them.... Our girl Daisy (behind the shutter) turned in early.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

On Christmas Day.. On Christmas Day!

On behalf of Erin and myself we wish all of our customers, past, present and future a magical Christmas and enjoyable Holiday Season.

(Left)Little Tess poses in a picture for her Mother... She wishes them a wonderful holiday in the sunny south!

(Below) Maman pops her head out of the middle train car while Tucker snoozes in the front one... too much Christmas cheer last night I'd say!

(Below) Who else could it be?.... Little Winston chases Malakai's tail... Kahlua doesn't see what's going on behind her ...but Shadow watches on from the ledge..
(Below) Frigo, Kahlua and Salem hang out together in a 'tree house' built for 3! There is no shortage of black cats this week.... everywhere you look... another one!

(Left) Cute little Roots (top), Tammy (middle) and Monkey (bottom step), have the best view in the house... They can see everyone that comes and goes.... Meanwhile Bello has found his spot sleeping on top of the bathroom cabinet.... He's keeping an eye on the others keeping an eye...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Twas the day before Christmas...

Some of the liveliests have a group congregation in the corner bunks.. (Sweetie, Winnie, Winston & Linus)...not an uncommon sight around here. I think some of their families may need to consider siblings for some of these little guys!

Twas the day before Christmas at the Pet B&B and not a mouse was in sight! Lots of snowplows though.... but not in the house! Every creature was stirring.... and still not a mouse!

(Above) Little Sneakers poses for me while Jak, Maman, Manon and Simba watch the snow cleanup outside... or, are they just watching for Santa? Good thing we have a big flat roof up there.... plenty of sleigh parking!

(Left) Linus is back at it already.... now exercising with Jasper and Kahlua the Siamese.... They take little breaks to be entertained by BigBird 2... or, is it the other way around...?

Only one week left til the deadline for our First Monthly Art Contest... details can be found on our blog homepage and on the website homepage... Don't forget.. there's still time!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hi Mom & Dad. Hope you're having fun too!

(Left) Here goes little Winston again... such a tiny kitteny body... such a huge curiosity.. 'I'll just sneak up on them this way... they'll never suspect a thing.. those yummy little fishies!'

(Below) Linus and Winnie take a breather..... it's been a very busy morning don't ya know!

(Right) Lots of new and old faces in today. Gizmo catches up with Aries and Charlie while meeting Felix for the first time... it was a 'strictly male' bonding moment...

(Left)Lots to see and do on the other side of the room... Rusty climbs down the stairs while Slip, Xena and Winston look on... Moxie, Winnie and Linus are already down for the count! We wish Rusty much happiness in his new home, with his new family.... He left us today after many weeks at the B&B. He won't be alone at his new home. There is a playful pup there to keep him entertained after he leaves us.

(Right) Frigo practices his hand at side cat-dle... and looks very graceful doing that I might add!

(Right) Zaria loves to hone her climbing techniques each time she visits us.... her speed and accuracy are quite impressive already...

(Left) Little girl Ras has come up with a new way of getting into the 'airplane'... hmm, I always thought those roof top openings were emergency escapes... They teach me something new each and every day!

(Left) And, the beat goes on.... and the beat goes on...... wrestlmania anyone!? Winnie and Sweetie... Round 12!

Monday, December 22, 2008

And, while you were waiting at airports..... the little ones were...

It's not 'who got to the favorite pillows first', the important thing is that you share!!
On the yellow pillow, Xena and Linus hang out together... on the blue pillow above.. Oliver isn't quite ready to sleep yet.. unlike his pillow mates Cow & Rhubarb....

(Below) Casey loves the height.... you can usually find him climbing in the carpeted tree forest or sitting in the big picture window.. Regardless of where he is... He's always ready to play!

(Below) Linus pretends to be ET.... as he poses with the CatMasTree ornaments..... while keeping verrry still!! No blinking allowed! You rarely see him sit still... A definite social butterfly boy!

(Left) Little Jade stretches right out... she's got the top deck of the 'pirate boat' to herself for a change... she's going to take full advantage of that!

(Right) Brother and Sister Fauve & Sheba hang out in the 'Cool Cat' area with little miss Pingu... they've only known each other a couple of days but plan to stay in touch after the Holidays!

(Guess I need to get my markers out and add an 's' onto that bunk bed! afterall... 3 coolcats are not 1 cool cat!)

Later, our girl Sheba went exploring.... 'Knock Knock... Hellooo! Anyone in here? Oh, good. An emply bail of hay... I'll just give myself a little bath in private and curl up in this soft fleece til dinner time... Perfect!

Stay tuned for more crazy pictures... the fun is only just beginning.... they haven't even started celebrating Christmas and Hannukah yet!!