Whose afraid of black cats?! Not I! Good thing too... we've had an abundance of them in this Christmas.... In the yellow treehouse is Shadow. In the middle of the room, up high is Artiemes... there is a cat that would make you like black cats, if you don't already! On the floor, to the back of the picture, is Bello. The longer haired cat, in the front, is Frigo.... That's a lot of black hair.... sure glad it's all ceramic tile at the Pet B&B!
(Below) Our boy Roots gives the cat toy a good scratching.... nothing like a good scratch after a light lunch.... He and his brother Buster say Hi to mom down in the sunny south... and wish her a fabulous New Year!
My buddy Artiemis is staying with you now and I'm so glad he has such a wonderful place to stay!!!