Some of the liveliests have a group congregation in the corner bunks.. (Sweetie, Winnie, Winston & Linus)...not an uncommon sight around here. I think some of their families may need to consider siblings for some of these little guys!

Twas the day before Christmas at the Pet B&B and not a mouse was in sight! Lots of snowplows though.... but not in the house! Every creature was stirring.... and still not a mouse!
(Above) Little Sneakers poses for me while Jak, Maman, Manon and Simba watch the snow cleanup outside... or, are they just watching for Santa? Good thing we have a big flat roof up there.... plenty of sleigh parking!

(Left) Linus is back at it already.... now exercising with Jasper and Kahlua the Siamese.... They take little breaks to be entertained by BigBird 2... or, is it the other way around...?
Only one week left til the deadline for our First Monthly Art Contest... details can be found on our blog homepage and on the website homepage... Don't forget.. there's still time!
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