Q. I was asked last year to talk to a man's orange tabby to see if the cat knew why he (the man) was experiencing health issues... namely a nagging cough and congestion in his chest...
A. After having spoken to many animals over the past 3 years..I am well aware that they can have remarkable insight into their own health issues... so, I wasn't surprised to learn that they can be very in-tune with ours as well.
The cat said that the man 'isn't breathing in the life he's in. He's only trying to change it... make it better.. make it perfect. He's not fully appreciating what he has already.. so far. He's far to focused on what needs to be, what must be, what has to be. He's not seeing the importance of what is and being able to accept it as it is.'
Then he went on to explain to the man... 'Don't forget that life is for the living. Work is great, but you are here to live it, life... not just observe it from the sidelines. You're afraid to make mistakes but that is where the real fun lies... that is where the real lessons are learned. Stop being so afraid of going off course... the course is right there... where ever you are. You can't stray far. You're always on it.. no matter what or where you are... it'll always be beneath your feet.. guiding you on. It's not possible to fall off. You're making it as you go... and each new experience gets you farther along. Stop thinking that you're straying or getting it wrong... there is no such thing.'