Sunday, January 4, 2009

January's Monthly Art Contest

It is January 4th and that means that the January Monthly Art Contest details are available now. As always, our Contests run each month from the 4th of the month til the last day of the month.
January's challenge: To design a bumper sticker for cars.... 4" x 11"

It must include the name 'Pet Bed and Breakfast', the website '' and a slogan such as 'My cat is having a ball at the Pet Bed and breakfast!' or, whatever slogan you prefer.... a lot of it will depend on the art design that you create.

More of the contest details will be available on the website soon or you can link to it from the blog homepage.... (in the right hand column).

I've had a few people ask me why I started the Monthly Art Contest....

1st, because I thought it would be fun.... and 2nd, because I want to encourage the local artists.... amateur and not..... I find great inspiration in the creativity of others.. ideas and thoughts are extremely powerful energetically ... anything is possible if you can imagine it..

It is my belief that if you use your imagination and creativity... you will never be stuck in life or business.... Many people, when faced with difficult situations, let stress control their lives.... I've always found that when my 'chips are down'.... I sit down with a notebook and pen and write. I allow the thoughts to free-flow ... and, in them, I always find my answer...

December's Art Contest was our first ever... we had good response from the 18 years and under age category but only fair response from the 18 years and over age group...

Our winners for December were :

1st prize/ 18 years & under: Marissa Martin, age 9. Her art submission is above. She used colored pencil and marker . As well as her cash prize, She chose the Ottawa Food Bank as her charity of choice for the $200 charitable portion.

2nd prize/ 18 years & under: Justin Lefebvre, age 15

1st prize/ 18 years & over: Julia Hudson, age: undisclosed. As well as her cash prize, She chose Salvation Army as her charity of choice for the $200 charitable portion.

2nd prize/ 18 years & over: Tania Smith, age 26

Thank you and well done to all who participated. I enjoyed seeing each piece of original art. Everyone is welcome to submit entries each month regardless of if they have already won before.
Look forward to seeing January's submissions... Have fun with it. Enjoy your month!


  1. Melanie,

    Just wanted to congratulate you on the fantastic idea to support local charities with your December contest - what a great initiative!

    Michael Maidment
    The Salvation Army
    Area Director for Public Relations and Development

  2. I love your blog - Fluffy is hoping his Moms and Dads go down east at Easter so he can go back to see you and all of his friends and introduce his little brother Charlie
