(Above) 'White on white'... has nothing on 'orange on orange'! Nothing like a little color to jazz things up.... Our handsome big Mystique (orange & white) sits atop the front train car.... guess who's driving?! Meanwhile, little Catou (front left) and Maman (little grey tabby behind) make cameo appearances for the shot...

(Left) Our big little girl Charlie (standing) assumes that Sophie (black & white) on the pirate boat wants to play because she's being goofy rolling around with her feet in the air.... (it's never good to assume Charlie).... seems Sophie was just getting some stretching in...
(Below) How much for the kitty in the window????!
Little girl Salem (solid black), Sneakers (grey & white) and brother & sister Romeo & Princess (black & white kitties on the far window bench) soak up some morning rays while watching the other young ones wrestle on the floor...

(Below) Felix (black & white) in drivers seat watches Little being goofy... He rolls around hamming it up, as usual, for the camera.... don't forget that you're not on the ground Little!! .... one big bump in the field and you'll take a tumble my friend!

I had to place both of these next pictures together so that you get an idea of how close these two little boys are.... Linus (siamese) has been in for weeks... Felix (grey) was in for Christmas, out after, and back in for New Years... they obviously remember each other very well... I wonder if Linus' mom & dad ever work with puzzles at the house?! That might explain it.... very cute any which way...
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