(Left) Ti-Min demonstrates the new yoga pose that he learned while at the Pet B&B this visit... I'm sure he'll teach his sister Catou later this week..
(Left) Moxie gets all 'tactile' with his food groups... I've never seen him do this before in all of the years that he's been coming in.. Then, he licks the food off of his paw... Ah, yes... good to the last drop!
(Left) Some days you just want to stay under the covers where it's all toasty cozy and watch a good movie... or... live entertainment... That's our Mindy (grey/white). I always say he's part ferret... loves to burrow when he's in... On the Purrcy bunk below, we have another adorable kitty, Cisco... He's a big schmooze, like most all male dark tabbies are.. You would never know this was his first visit..
Ti-Min is adorable! Yoga pose,very funny!