(Left) Our new friend Lady (grey/white) sits in the window while her new acquaintence Marcel walks by and says Hi.... Meanwhile, her charming little admirer Pegu, munches away ... not far from her... You will see that those two are a recurring theme... they are usually found near each other...
(Left) Our handsome boy Friskie (black/white) in the lower deck of the pirate boat watches the waves and kitties go by... while, Mousie in the Housie... as I refer to her... uptop... gets all goofie like hamming it for the camera...
(Left) We have many outdoor kitties this week... Kissa (orange/white) on top of the tractor, Simon (light orange/white) on floor at front of tractor, Carrie (calico) on the hay bails, and Joya (dark tabby) in the rear sitting on the bunk beds.... all meet Caramel (dark tabby) on the floor for the first time... Introductions & Hi 5's all around!
Mon petit Friskie...we miss him :-( I wonder if he misses us as much?