I talked to Chief this week. He heard me talking to many cats over the past 2 weeks and each time that I sat down to start, he wanted me to engage him in conversation. I've spoken to Chief a few times over the years and he always has interesting things to say. I wanted to ask him a few 'macro' kind of questions.
I started by asking him if he knew how we communicate when we telepath with each other? He told me, 'through the light with in us all. We are all light at our core. We are made of light. We make it work by being in the 'now'. We make it all travel with focus. We can make whatever we want appear and disappear with focus. We pay ourselves what we think we're worth. Explain? 'We make happen the rewards of our fruits, not the fruits of our labours, like most people think we do, that's not it at all.' He mentioned that the way to true success is to keep moving forward.
I asked Chief what kind of new play structures he'd like to see at my kennel? 'Eiffel Tower, so tall, so far to climb, what a great view, see all of the birds up there. Others? 'A bridge or two, like the cars use, but don't allow any cars. Others? 'How about a space ship like you built upstairs', Others? 'A low to the ground swing set'.
I asked Chief what I could do to improve the energy at my kennel? 'You can make it a priority to sing and dance in here, each day. What will that do? 'It stabilizes any bad energies and plays with the harmony in the room, it fortifies, makes it stronger, stabilizes the positive effects into the 'now', creates calming and lightness, especially with humming added to it. It dances throughout the building and makes everything happier, warmer and more peaceful. It adds a degree of magic to the place, that lives on, dances on, for the whole day long. It's very positive energy that. People just don't realize the magic of music and sound waves on the energy of all living things, plants even.'
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