(Left) Another adorable orange male tabby..... doing the orange male tabby thing.... My boy Choufleur visits the Pet B&B regularly... He's such a little marshmallow boy when it comes to getting his neck scratches. He has always loved the rainbow... it lends itself nicely to stretching out and flashing one's tummy....

(Left) Caruso (black) is with me again. He's a real social boy and often, is found sunning himself in the airplane with Snowy & Ople, or curled up in one of my kitty cabs, with Gingko curled up in the one beside.... Yes, he is a lady's man.... smart, handsome & charming.... what a combination...

(Left) Oh boy! There she goes again.... Gorgeous girl Sookie (dark tabby) loves to keep busy checking out all of the sights, sounds & entertainment... She was having fun climbing inside the airplane when she decided that she could do better than that..... So, up she went, walking across the top of the airplane's body, while dodging the sky ward open windows, and finally jumping up to the top of the tall scratching post, that supports the tail section.... Her descent was swift & skillful.... from the post, she jumped down, right through one of the top facing windows on the planes body, landing inside of the plane again.... She must get practice at that when I'm not here... that was too smooth to be her first time.....
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