(Left) Did you know that a cat's purr has the exact same vibration as the earth's vibration? I'm not sure, but it sure looks like my boy Olaf (dark tabby) has his ear pressed to the snow peaked tree, listening to it's vibration. (Or else, he's listening to see if that little sister Cajsa is playing inside there... He does like to keep tabs on her).... This is one goofy little boy... He loves climbing my carpeted trees, especially in the morning when i first arrive....He and sister Cajsa are having much fun with all of the cat sized toys...

(Left) Adorable girl Sheba (grey/white tabby) and her brothers Mijanou & Fauve just went home this week. Even though she has all of that fur to keep her warm, it isn't very absorbant.... When I woke her, to pack her up this week, she managed to pee all down my pant legs.... Aside from looking good, that fur was of no value at all... Sometimes 'timing' is everything. That big cutie in the background is Murphy (black/white). He had fun playing with Sheba.

(Left) I had to do a double-take earlier this week when I opened. I was sure that this orange cutie was Eugene.... but alas, when I walked through to the other side of the group area, I saw Eugene up on top of the rainbow. I had to go back to confirm and take a 2nd look.... Indeed, it was Mijanou that was on the airplane.... being just as playful and goofy as Eugene. Mijanou had been spending most of his holiday in or on top of the phone booths....
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