(Left) Our gorgeous girl Augustine (dark tabby) has been visiting us over the past week. Her favorite hang outs are the tops of the 8 foot phone booths... just as they were in previous visits.. I did however come in this morning to find her on the top of the airplane, right in front of the big sunny windows, with Ople and Caruso... It was great to see her out and about. I noticed a short while later, that Carabelle had installed herself up on the back phone booth... That may help to explain why Augustine was on the plane. She did look comfy though...

(Left) Here are the adorable sisters Missy (black/white) and little Cali (calico). These two usually stake out my big pillows for their afternoon naps. They aren't particular, they are happy on either one. It is unusual to find Missy out in the open like this, during the whole day. In the past, she always gravitated to the lower, quieter kitchen cabinets. It could very well be her new little sister Cali's influence. Great to see her more relaxed and confident mixing in with her feline companions and with all of the new people that she sees here.

(Left) More Pet B&B Newbies...Our adorable girl Miley (dark tabby/white) is a social butterfly. She moves around a lot. I don't often find her up high anywhere. She prefers a waist height resting location. Her mom says that she's quite the social butterfly at home too... she'll stroll around the neighbourhood and visit all of her human, feline or canine friends... She loves her neck scratches...

(Left) Keeping up with her new younger brothers Sharpe & Wolfgang.... Little miss Alberta (black) is an active little girl. She is an excellent climber too.... This visit, I usually find her sleeping on the big tractor seat... When she wants to get my attention, she will climb the windows of my french doors, if I am in the hallway with customers or other cats for too long... She loves to climb up to my eye level..That way she can be sure that I see her.... Smart kitty!
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