(Left) So many black kitties in this Easter.... Here is just a select sampling of them.... There are many more visiting right now.. some of whom you've already seen. This handsome big boy is named Bogart. It's his first time visiting us. He's a gentle giant and so far enjoys hanging out with BigBird2. His mom says that he loves watching the birds outside too.

(Left) Oh, Ginny... You are too cute twinkle toes.... This little miss was giving herself a little pedicure when I snapped her up... She's visited the Pet B&B on a number of occasions. She's a social, playful big girl...

(Left) Rhubarb has also visited before, with her brother Frigo (below). These two are good buddies and are often seen passed out together on one of my big pillows, up high on the stair structure. They both really enjoy their neck scratches... and, attention in general.
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