(Left) My handsome big boy Hugo (dark tabby) is a long time Pet B&Ber... I find that he's chilling out in his old age. He used to be more anti-social with people and other cats. He also used to gravitate to the highest possible perches... This visit, he was quite calm and more tolerant of the other cats. I even got to give him neck scratches each day.

(Left) There's our handsome Silka (dark tabby) again. He's still visiting and is looking forward to seeing his family again next week. He loves his Rainbow... this has turned into one of his favorite snoozing spots. He takes turns with Magoo for the Rainbow lookout. Both kitties are doing great and send a big Hello to their respective families.

(Left) Thor Thor (orange tabby).... What are you looking at Thor? This is a friendly, gentle and quiet big boy. He spent Easter with me and his other friends. He's another of my long time Special Needs kitties. He loves spending time with other cats. He isn't much of a climber nowadays, and is usually found in the bottom of one of my 4 storey town houses.

(Left) There's Cleo (dark tabby). This adorable little girl is looking forward to spending the warm weather up at the family cottage. She's quite an outdoor cat. She also spent Easter with us. Always good to see you Cleo.

(Left) There's my little neck scratching head butt-er.... Handsome big boy Mr. Bitts just loves his phone booths.... And now that Chloe has gone home, he has moved over to her favorite pillow, up on the top back bunk bed. He and his sister Miss Mew are getting pretty curious about seeing their new house for the first time and checking out their new back yard.
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