(Left) There's my handsome big boy Charlie Chaplin (black/white). He loves to find a nice quiet, high spot to relax. I did however find him sleeping in a haybail Tuesday & Wednesday. They were both very busy days. That made it hard to get some good quality snoozin' in, during the day. Charlie's doing great & back to his top bunk bed. He also loves the new bridges. They weren't there last time he visited.

(Left) There's my gorgeous Magoogoo (grey/white). As you can see, this shy big girl can be very relaxed once she's found a favorite perch. She's doing great and sends a big Happy Anniversary to her mom & dad in the sunny south. See you next week.

(Left) My little curious Georgette.... aka... Cajsa (black/white), is a real people person.... Don't talk to her, or make eye contact with her, unless you are prepared to spend time giving her cuddles.... She WILL follow you.... if you forget that golden rule! She's such a cutie and is looking forward to seeing mom & dad next week. Her brother Olaf is anxious to go outside now that the warmer weather has arrived.

(Left) Kenji (chocolate pt Siamese) did some fancy footwork with my feathery wand. Monk (black), his brother, didn't want to play anymore, so I think Kenji thought he'd go it alone.... Both boys hope that mom is having a wonderful relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing her again next week.

(Left) Catou Catou (white/dark tabby). You are such a schmoozie little one... It's no wonder that strangers are continually commenting on 'how friendly this one is'.... when they come to collect their own family members.... Catou is a definite ham.... she learned that from her mother, Maman. These kids were made to play.
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