(Left) Oh, yes. Our gorgeous girl Ginny (black) loves lying across the kitchen counters.. I'm hoping that she doesn't try this at home.... She is often found lounging on the window benches too..... This cutie is a friendly, social big girl. She's had a great visit so far. There has been plenty of action to take part in and/or just plain watch... The show is always 'ON'....

(Left) Bandit (black/white) just left this afternoon. I was telling her mom how unusually social she was during this whole visit. Being 18+ years old, she usually hangs out in the red phone booths or in one of her favorite hay bails, when there are people around. This past week, she would actively track me down, looking for her cuddles... and, it was a busy week! .... That didn't stop her.. She's a healthy big girl.... no meds, nothing.... She did great!

(Left) There's another black & white cutie for you. Cajsa is about a year old and CAN she play!! She had an amazing time with our girl Melodie (tortoise shell).... aka Lola, below. (Seems we've had a bit of a name change since her last visit).... Cajsa is visiting with her big brother Olaf. This little Miss will make any 'non-cat lover'... love cats, in an instant! Always great to spend time with her and Olaf..

(Left) So, Melodie/Lola just returned for her 2nd visit.... Can YOU say Playful?!? Melodie is a young fire cracker, just like Cajsa, above. These girls would play tag, wrestle, hide & seek... you name it! I'm sure that they'll arrange to meet up again, for their next vacation. They can both be so delicate, then rough & tumble, the next time you see them....

(Left) Joya (dark tabby/white) was caught peering over the side of her favorite pirate boat. She always stakes out the top deck.. Other cats can move into the lower cabins, but, she's Elle Capitana, on this ship! We'll see her again at Christmas time. I'll try to keep the ship afloat til them, Joya..... Yes, yes... To your standands... of course Capitana!