Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Summer goes on.....and on...

(Left) Oh, yes. Our gorgeous girl Ginny (black) loves lying across the kitchen counters.. I'm hoping that she doesn't try this at home.... She is often found lounging on the window benches too..... This cutie is a friendly, social big girl. She's had a great visit so far. There has been plenty of action to take part in and/or just plain watch... The show is always 'ON'....

(Left) Bandit (black/white) just left this afternoon. I was telling her mom how unusually social she was during this whole visit. Being 18+ years old, she usually hangs out in the red phone booths or in one of her favorite hay bails, when there are people around. This past week, she would actively track me down, looking for her cuddles... and, it was a busy week! .... That didn't stop her.. She's a healthy big girl.... no meds, nothing.... She did great!

(Left) There's another black & white cutie for you. Cajsa is about a year old and CAN she play!! She had an amazing time with our girl Melodie (tortoise shell).... aka Lola, below. (Seems we've had a bit of a name change since her last visit).... Cajsa is visiting with her big brother Olaf. This little Miss will make any 'non-cat lover'... love cats, in an instant! Always great to spend time with her and Olaf..

(Left) So, Melodie/Lola just returned for her 2nd visit.... Can YOU say Playful?!? Melodie is a young fire cracker, just like Cajsa, above. These girls would play tag, wrestle, hide & seek... you name it! I'm sure that they'll arrange to meet up again, for their next vacation. They can both be so delicate, then rough & tumble, the next time you see them....

(Left) Joya (dark tabby/white) was caught peering over the side of her favorite pirate boat. She always stakes out the top deck.. Other cats can move into the lower cabins, but, she's Elle Capitana, on this ship! We'll see her again at Christmas time. I'll try to keep the ship afloat til them, Joya..... Yes, yes... To your standands... of course Capitana!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

James looking for his Forever Home.

James is a lovely brown and white tabby, one of three kittens born on March 6, 2010. A kind lady took JAmes, his siblings and nursing mom in and kept the kittens until they were weaned and then called Cat Rescue Network because she couldn't care for them all. The kittens are now in a CRN foster home awaiting adoption. James is very outgoing, definitely the leader of the pack. He is very curious and his two sisters tend to follow him around on his little adventures.
NOTE: Because a young kitten needs feline companionship, it is the policy of Cat Rescue Network that kittens 6 months or younger be adopted out in pairs unless there is another kitten or young cat already in the home.For more information aboutJames and his sisters and to see all the other lovelies that need a forever home, please visit the CRN website at www.catrescuenetwork.ca or send an email to flora_louise@yahoo.ca.

Friday, August 27, 2010

OK. We're just waiting for one more of our friends, and the party can get started!

(Left) My little Catoutou... (dark tabby/white). She can be such a girlygirl, and at other times, such a little TomGirl.... Regardless of her mood, she's always adorable, affectionate and very gentle inside. She's visiting again with her brother & mother....

(Left) There was a lot of action here this morning... In between the front door and the telephone, these little munchkins still found time to be crazy... That's our gorgeous girl Peppy (black/white) and her new best friend Skye (siamese, left). She's also having fun with baby Gizmo, below. That's our big boy Carl (siamese, middle) lying on the floor. He's really gotten into the swing of things, over the past day. He will be exhausted by the time he goes home...

(Left) Carl (siamese) is still taking a bit of a break, in the back ground. That's baby Gizmo (Cornish Rex), to the foreground. He's way more energetic than he was a couple of months ago.... He is having a fun time with Molly (white/dark tabby) and Lola (dark tabby). Don't let this picture fool you.... They do not spend much time sitting and looking at each other.....

(Left) My gorgeous girl Mirette (calico) is still here for a while longer.... She' s doing great. She's such an old hand at this Pet B&B stuff.... She has calmed down and become so confident since I first met her... She used to make the most blood curdling noises back then... Having been found in a Mtl subway, I guess she had developed quite a fear of people. Now, she's a big schmoozie girl....

(Left) Oh Sweetness! I don't think you'll find baby Gizmo in there! Sweetie (Siberian) was playing with his friends, as usual.... when the fabric tunnel, caught his eye. He zoomed..... quite literally 'zoomed'..... taking it half way across the room, with his front paws and head inside... but alas, his friends weren't inside! Too cute Sweetie!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Enough with the rain already... these kids want sunshine!

(Left) Mommy Snowy (white) and her daughter Ople, returned this week. These gorgeous girls will be staying with us until they leave, for their brand new home.... From the way their mom described it, they are gonna love it...

(Left) MenouMenou (calico)... What ya doing up there in the space ship big girl...? This little beauty usually hangs out in her lower kitchen cabinets. She will be staying through the weekend with us. Always good to see you again Menou.

(Left) A few of our your playfuls....Skye (siamese) just jumped down from the loft where Felix (black) is. That's our girl Sandy (dark tabby), watching the boys, from the ferris wheel. Felix is scheduled to return home this week sometime. The other 2 cuties will be with us a while yet. Everyone is having fun getting to know each other.

(Left) Oh Hi Pillule! (black) My handsome friend here, was on tour, through the townhouses... We had a chance to chat earlier this week. He has some pretty strong view points...and showed me a new trick... Cool! Thanks Pillule!

(Left) There's my gorgeous girl Cleo (siamese). This little one can look rather shy sometimes but when it comes to neck scratches, that changes real fast! She's adorable, affectionate, and is getting more adventurous by the day. This is Carl's older sister.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lots of kitties holidaying this week....

(Left) I thought I saw a putty-tat.... Carl (siamese left) meets up, face to face with Skye (siamese right). They both kinda froze, at that very moment.... was funny. Skye and his sister Sophie are having a great time. Carl and his sister Cleo are visiting for the first time. Carl is best described as a very busy, head butt-er.... I have to hang onto the camera tightly when he's around, cause he'll butt it right out of my hand, as he's head butting every other thing in sight.... He's a funny big boy. His sister Cleo is on the shy side. I'm thinking that she's really enjoying a break from her brother, right about now.... He's got plenty of young, playful kitties to occupy him...

(Left) Well, you wouldn't believe that this is the same little black 'panther' that I tried to corale into his carrier on the last visit.... Doesn't he just look so sweet, gentle and playful.... Little Felix (black) is all of those things.... He just insn't so crazy about the car ride, or being caged, in the car.... Always great to see him again...

(Left) When Kuzia (dark tabby) stretches out to relax, it's pretty obvious to everyone that he's ready for a snooze... This handsome big boy has settled in nicely and is curious to see which of his old friends and acquaintances show up for another busy weekend. He'll be B&Bing with us through the long weekend.

(Left) Another handsome dark tabby, there's Julius (dark tabby) and those relaxed, dreamy eyes, of his. He loves lying up in my bridges... Now he has Kenya keeping him company, up there. Some of these cats love my bridges because (1) they're nice and high up, (2) they can stretch out on their backs, and not worry about rolling off or out of them, (3) they are right at eye level to people, so they can guarantee a neck scratch, at each pass, and (4).... although, if I asked I'm sure they could come up with a few more.... They put you at a great height to play in people's hair, as they walk underneath them....

(Left) I was explaining to Bootsie's (orange tabby) mom yesterday, that he is very comfortable and relaxed while he's here. This is a typical pose for him. With the gorgeous, cooler weather this week, he's often found sitting on the window benches to, with the windows wide open for them. See you next time Bootsie. Bye for now!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Charm, Charmer, Charming...Yep, That describes these guys!

(Left) Midnight (black) is a gorgeous big girl. She's visiting with her 2 sisters. These 3 girls love their food even more than I do. They eat with such gusto.... and they are schmooooozie...! Very affectionate kitties. It's always a pleasure to arrive in the morning to their bright eyes... The 3 girls send out a big Hiya to their family.... We are doing just great!

(Left) Kaju (grey) is a handsome, photogenic big boy. This guy could almost be mistaken for a plush Gund doll.... He never misses an opportunity to try to climb up onto your shoulder or back. He's a charmer and is really enjoying the outdoor life, these days. He also sends out a big Hello to his family.... 'Great to see lots of my old friends again'.

(Left) Here's one of my young crazy visitors... Skye (Siamese) is no stranger to the camera. He used to be quite the shy little guy, around here.... but, that was many visits ago.... Now, I stand beside him and he tries to make me laugh, when I have the camera in hand.... He also hopes to make his family laugh.... I'm sure that they are very familiar with this pose....

(Left) Kenya (calico) is a Newbie at the Pet B&B. She's an adorable big, friendly girl. She seems to prefer height, for her relaxing and sleeping times of day. She's gentle and sweet. She likes the back bunk beds and the high bridges. Sometimes I find her sitting in the sun filled windows. Btw... love the name!

(Left) Percy (dark tabby/white, right) is never that far from the ladies..... especially the playful, athletic ones. Sophie (chocolate Siamese) and Lola (dark tabby) love to sleep on that stair structure.... Percy doesn't normally hang out on top of the fishtank, like this.... He loves the airplane and spaceship..... Change is good, I always say!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bach looking for his Forever Home.

Bach is a long-haired grey and white kitten. His nickname is Fatso, because he is poofy and bigger than his three sisters (all named after composers). He is laid-back and easily falls asleep if you lay him on his back and hold him just right. When he's not asleep, he loves to chase things around and hunt for things to play with. He loves to play with pipe-cleaners, eat treats and he too will tell you when there is no food around. He's also quite the ragdoll and can toss and squirm in almost any direction. He will run around and play hide and seek until you find him, and purr loudly to show he's happy to be found.
NOTE: Because a young kitten needs feline companionship, it is the policy of Cat Rescue Network that kittens 6 months or younger be adopted out in pairs unless there is another kitten or young cat already in the home.For more information about Bach and to see all the other lovelies that need a forever home, please visit the CRN website at www.catrescuenetwork.ca or send an email to flora_louise@yahoo.ca.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Friday's Action, for your viewing pleasure.

(Left) KuzieWoozie (dark tabby) has returned to the Pet B&B for another visit, and to his favorite hand sink..... Kuzia loves to curl up in here.... it's nice and cool to snooze in... that makes it better than a basket even! This handsome big boy is doing great and sends out a big Hi to his folks out west...

(Left) DjangoBean (orange tabby) has many signature facial expressions.... This is his wide-eyed, head butting look, when he's being goofy, coy and looking for neck scratches... Django has been with us a while now and is scheduled to return home next week. He's such a schmoozie boy. You see him sitting upright, like this, about as often as you see him with his toes in the air....

(Left) Bootsie (orange tabby) just arrived yesterday for another holiday. He's a social, friendly boy. So far, he hasn't really staked out any favorite spaces... you never know where you'll find him curled up... He's a charmer.

(Left) Molly demonstrates balance, style and cuteness, in equal measure. This adorable dark tabby/white is right into play mode with her buddies. Good thing for her that Kaju, Percy, Skye and Sophie are arriving today.... It'll be another action packed weekend, and week. She's so easy to please.... Let's play. OK!

(Left) A couple of our young athletes..... Percy (dark tabby/white) arrived this morning again. Being a true outdoor kitty, he zeroed in quickly, on the windows... Lucky (black/white) was doing his 'I'm too cute look' for the camera, when both boys heard some interesting noises outside.

Pick a color..... any color....

(Left) Whoa! Hang on Felix (dark tabby).... I hear that they're calling for possible thunder storms tonight.... This handsome big boy loves to 'hang' around the pirate boat. He'll run ahead of you and jump up onto the deck, if he knows that you're headed that way.... 'improves the chances of getting a belly rub....' This is a little smartie pants....

(Left) I'd love to see this little Miss let loose outside..... She'd surely find the tallest, bird filled tree that she could find. She's an awesome climber, and fast! Our sprightly little Sandy (dark tabby) loves lots of action and excitement... Good thing that we have lots more friends comin' for the weekend.... We wouldn't want her to get bored....

(Left) Pillule (black) looks deep in thought with his version of the 'Thinker' pose. 'Hey, when you got 4 legs, why not use them all..... I'm laid back and all... but do I look like a yoga guru? Oh David!... I mean, Pillule.... Mom thinks that you've got lots goin' on inside, at the moment.... We're gonna hook up for a chat this afternoon... I'd love to know what makes those wheels spin so.... Chat in a bit!

(Left) The 3 sisters are back for an extended visit this time. Carberry (grey/white tabby) and Silhouette (black) were in for their first time this past winter. They, along with their sister Midnight, are doing just fine. They arrived earlier this week. These 3 are social, inquisitive and friendly.. We're gonna have much fun together. Great to see you all again.

(Left) This gorgeous girl is Max (calico). She was just in last week, again, with her brother BooBoo the bunny. She likes to act all shy her first afternoon in, then after that, you never know where you'll find her. She is a bit shy with strangers but doesn't hide from her feline friends. Once she knows you, she's very sweet.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hmmm.. Where should we go next? How 'bout Canada! They are animal people!

(Left) Oh Boy! Where are we going... I loved this pic of Pippins (black/white Maine Coon). He made me think of the little pup in 'The Grinch that Stole Christmas', when he first jumped onto the front of the sleigh..... This big handsome charmer is having fun meeting so many other felines over the past couple of weeks. Such a cutie! He sends out a big Hi to his family....

(Left) My handsome old friend Dimitri (orange tabby) will be returning home later this week. I caught him having a little 'tete-a-tete- with the Norwegian Cat, in the picture, on his headboard.... This guy seems to be picking up steam, as he ages... He's gotta be 19 by now.... And, the same goes for his appetite...

(Left) Lucky (black/white) was relaxing on the stairwell ledge when Molly (white/dark tabby) thought that she'd play with his tail... He wasn't quite ready for that, at the time, this past weekend, but he'd be fine with it now. People can't believe how schmoozie he is, when they meet him. He didn't used to be like that. He's greatly reduced his fear of strangers.... It's wonderful to see. Molly has always been so playful when she's here. She loves to interact with the other cats and can be a goofy girl all on her own too.

(Left) Niko (dark tabby, lower) is the sister of big boy Fred, from yesterday. This is one of my Colorado kitties.... As you can see she loves to stretch out and make herself at home. That's my adorable Augustine (dark tabby) on top of the haybails. She just went home a couple of days ago. We may have Niko and her brother for a few more days... depending on the weather.

(Left) This gorgeous little girl just went home this week. Bijoux (grey/white) can be a live wire of action.... It didn't take her long to notice BigBird1 when she arrived. We hope to see her again one day. She had a really good time. She's arrived in Ottawa from Belgium. Lots of International cats find their ways to the Pet B&B. Welcome, little Bijoujoux....

No. Not Hammie Hampsters....

(Left) 'You guys pay attention to where we're going and stay in step..... I'm just gonna check out what's going on outside for a sec.....'. Sandy (dark tabby) loves to be unique. That conformity stuff is soooo over rated! This gorgeous big girl is having a great time re-exploring all of her old play structures. You never know where you are going to find her next.

(Left) Chiefiekins (dark tabby) had BooBoo the bunny to watch this past weekend. Chief is much happier, now that we managed to get the matts off of his back.... It took some sweet talking on my part, but they're finally gone.... I think I get away with a lot more than his dad can sometimes.... He did have lots to say about it mind.... We're good again!

(Left) Felix (dark tabby) loves to greet everyone that stops by... especially the little people. He was so preoccupied by me and the camera.... he didn't notice that Noel (grey) almost used him as a 'landing pad', when she jumped down onto the bus from the blue bridge above. She landed, and kept going, right to the front of the bus, where she lay down and tried to 'out-hamm' Felix..... No turkeys in the bunch... but hamms, everywhere!

(Left) Speaking of..... There's our handsome boy Julius (dark tabby). Jules can keep up with Felix & Noel, no problem. He's sweet, calm and social..... and yes, a Hamm in his own right. He visited not that long ago. Great to have him back.

(Left) Fred (fawn/white tabby) and his sister Niko have just moved back to Ottawa after a couple of years in Colorado. They had a big journey last week in the car and settled in right away. This is their first visit to the B&B. They are both friendly, people kitties. They are doing fine with the other cats too. That's our adorable girl Jade (white) hanging out in the hay bail above. She's usually in one of her favorite Kitty Cabs or the Airplane. It was a busy day when I took this pic. Most of her favorite spots were already occupied. Many of her buddies went home today & yesterday but she has now moved up to the tiger rug, on top of the wagon. Change is Good!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

April Looking for her Forever Home

April is a delightful little brown tabby who was wondering around a west end home. She had been outside for some time then the home owner found her at the back of her house with three kittens. As she couldn't take them in she called Cat Rescue Network for help. It was a rainy blustery April night when the young momma cat and her kittens were rescued. It takes only a minute to find out that April is a friendly, loving little girl who is thankful to be rescued. She has been waiting some time now for her forever home ... could it be with you? April is spayed, vaccinated and litter trained.
For more information about April and to see all the other lovelies that need a forever home, please visit the CRN website at www.catrescuenetwork.ca or send an email to flora_louise@yahoo.ca.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Should be another action packed weekend at the B&B!

(Left) This handsome dark tabby is Tobie. He has visited us before and remembered BigBird1. He just went home yesterday. He had a great time with his pals.... Such a charmer. Tobias, Maggie and Tofi are missing him already. Very playful big boy.

(Left) There's my little cutie Mathilda (dark tabby). Cats are not her favorite friends but when she likes her human friends.... you're in! She's very affectionate and loves face-time.... She's also a chatty little Miss. She's got a big, gentle heart.

(Left) Pheobe (dark tabby/white) will have some explaining to do to her mom now that she's returned home with her brother Simon. Sounds like this perfectly adorable face can be a little less than innocent sometimes, at home. I always have fun with this big kitty. She's a complicated girl.

(Left) Another adorable dark tabby. Augustine has decided that the Tiger Rug is even more comfortable than her treasured airplane. She gave me a bit of a scare earlier this week. I think that it was Tuesday morning. I looked for 45 minutes to try and find her. I've been doing this almost 10 years... I was sure that I knew all of the cats' hiding spots here. When I returned after lunchtime, this is where I found her snoozin. I still don't know where she was. I hope that she doesn't decide to do that again when her folks return for her.

(Left) Here's a handsome Newbie for you. Rudy (fawn/white tabby) is on the shy side with strangers... but, if you are a cat, No Problem. Have a seat right beside me! He's sweet and gentle. He doesn't hide but is cautious to approach people. He's doing great just the same.

(Left) Our gorgeous black & white Peppy just left earlier this week. She was being especially goofy, just before her mom showed up for her. I liked this pic the best.... Mmmm, ladybugs... She may be getting a new little sibling in the near future. I think that would be a great thing for this playful, slightly shy little girl.