(Left) A couple of cuties... Pheobe (white/grey) met Princess (black/white) for the first time, I believe. Pheobe is back visiting with her brother Neils. Those two were playful and energetic their first day in. They remembered all of the fun activites from last time. They also remembered that this is where they found lots of new friends to play with each day. Princess is visiting again with her brother Buddy. These two girls are energetic and playful as well. Princess just gets more playful and social with the other cats, each visit.

(Left) Is this the face of a hamm, or what?! MaggieMay (black/white) has visited a few times over the years. This time, she's come in with her new younger sister Tofi, below. As you can see, Maggie isn't a wall flower.... She is everywhere and likes to meet everyone.... people and kitties a like... Her new younger sister has taken her lead, and is much the same.... play, play, play....

(Left) A couple more crazy kitties....I know it's kinda hard to see faces here.... Rosaline (white/calico) had a great time playing with baby Merlin (black/white).... They were having so much fun. I was impressed by their balancing acts.... Merlin would squat down to wrestle Rosaline through the stairs... Rosaline would stand up and balance herself by wrapping her front paws around Merlin's neck.... Like I said.... balancing acts... They are having a ball together....

(Left) There's my gorgeous little TofiFey (dark tabby). This is Maggie's new little sister. When Tofi is not playing and wrestling with her buddies Tobias and Toby, she's wrestling with her favorite pink wand toy... So many young, playful boys & girls in right now....

(Left) Another gorgeous girl. Bella (dark tabby) has visited a few times this summer. She is such a laid back, big cuddle bug. She takes everything in stride. She usually favors the back bunk beds for snoozin... this visit though, she was often found driving the tractor around.... Always great to see you BellaBeans...

(Left) Another young, athletic Newbie...This adorable little girl is named Bijoux (grey/white). She's just a tiny little one. I think her size is a definite advantage to her agility.... This is one busy little Miss. Bijouxjoux is friendly and social. She's also a bit of a talker...She's fitting right in with her new buddies and is enjoying all of the toys... not to mention 'the buffet'.... that's proving to be very popular with her too.
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