(Left) My little Catoutou... (dark tabby/white). She can be such a girlygirl, and at other times, such a little TomGirl.... Regardless of her mood, she's always adorable, affectionate and very gentle inside. She's visiting again with her brother & mother....

(Left) There was a lot of action here this morning... In between the front door and the telephone, these little munchkins still found time to be crazy... That's our gorgeous girl Peppy (black/white) and her new best friend Skye (siamese, left). She's also having fun with baby Gizmo, below. That's our big boy Carl (siamese, middle) lying on the floor. He's really gotten into the swing of things, over the past day. He will be exhausted by the time he goes home...

(Left) Carl (siamese) is still taking a bit of a break, in the back ground. That's baby Gizmo (Cornish Rex), to the foreground. He's way more energetic than he was a couple of months ago.... He is having a fun time with Molly (white/dark tabby) and Lola (dark tabby). Don't let this picture fool you.... They do not spend much time sitting and looking at each other.....

(Left) My gorgeous girl Mirette (calico) is still here for a while longer.... She' s doing great. She's such an old hand at this Pet B&B stuff.... She has calmed down and become so confident since I first met her... She used to make the most blood curdling noises back then... Having been found in a Mtl subway, I guess she had developed quite a fear of people. Now, she's a big schmoozie girl....

(Left) Oh Sweetness! I don't think you'll find baby Gizmo in there! Sweetie (Siberian) was playing with his friends, as usual.... when the fabric tunnel, caught his eye. He zoomed..... quite literally 'zoomed'..... taking it half way across the room, with his front paws and head inside... but alas, his friends weren't inside! Too cute Sweetie!
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