(Left) So many dark tabbies everywhere... actually, and grey & whites too.... Shanti (dark tabby, front) was being her usual playful, charming self, in the airplane... Her friend Mally, at the front of the plane, didn't quite know what to think of Shanti's upside down antics... Mally already went back home this week. Shanti is staying a while longer and is having fun with Rosaline... Seems like everyone is having fun with Rosaline....among others..

(Left) These 2 gorgeous sisters are pint sized, as adults.... Chopin has had her share of health challenges so far in her young life. She is nervous around people. Her sister Chablis (below) is in better health but can also be independant around strangers. These 2 girls just went back home today. Sounds like their mom had quite an eventful trip. The girls will be happy to hear all about it.

(Left) More gorgeous girls.. Mirette (calico) sat so pretty for me, while I took her pic. She's been with us for weeks and may be returning home in a few short days. We will see her back again real soon. This big girl loves the great outdoors and is looking forward to lying in her backyard, in the morning sunshine...

(Left) Alice (black) and her sister Clara are visiting again. It may seem, from previous visits, that Alice is always in one of her big red phone booths...Well yes. She does tend to favor them but I often find her on the Rainbow and in the hay bails. The girls hope that the family had some nice warm cottage weather....
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