Well, little Nando (grey tabby kitten) and Churchill (black/white) sure created some Holiday memories at the Pet B&B... It's very common for play ful cats to rough house and chase each other up, down and around the whole group areas.... These 2 boys were full of beans, when around each other. It got to the point that the other cats didn't even pop their heads up, while sleeping, to see what all the bedinging and bedanging was all about... They already knew.... Those boys! They just don't sleep!

(Above) Come on Nando, don't you want to play? You know you do!

I know it must all look kinda violent.... but, they would wrestle for 10 minutes... take a 3 minute break, then one of them would inevitably start it all back up again.....

(Below) Gotta love those 'action shots'.... kitties launching themselves through the air.... with a nice soft kitty pillow to land on...

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