(Left) My little old girl Victoria (grey/white tabby) is back for her second visit. She's such a cutie. She loves to meet everyone. She takes medications for a health issue, so has her own individual room but she loves to run around the hallway and sit on the big chairs at the front entrance. If her door is closed, she'll bat at it, or the big window in her room, to tell you that she wants to come out and say Hi. I love a girl that knows what she wants!

(Left) Jak (dark tabby/white) sits very patiently, to have a few words with BigBird2. How can you tell that he's met this little feathered friend before?! Cats that are less experienced in BigBird's 'ways', will roll around on the floor, trying to find a way inside his big house, from the floor, or try again from the roof.... Aah, Yes... but Jak has way more experience than that.... He knows that you can't make BigBird do anything! Just sit, wait and enjoy! That's the best recepe.... Jak knows!

(Left) Thor (orange tabby) is visiting us for a nice winter holiday.... He's always happy to see his other feline friends and he's always up for a little recreation... I think he's lost some weight since I last saw him.... He's lookin' good! Such a schmoozie boy!

(Left) More schmoozie, head butt-er kitties.... Little Jesse (tortoise shell) was being so cute, while I took her picture... rubbing, scratcing and head butting the ferris wheel. This little Miss loves to be in or near the big sunny windows, especially in the morning.... she loves to sleep in the sun's rays too....

(Left) Seba (black/white) is a big marshmallow boy.... Very gentle kitty.... He's a big cat... He's often found lounging on the hay bails, perched in the sunny windows, or passed out in a Kitty Cab, parked in front of the windows.... Always great to see him again....
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