Our girl Mally (dark tabby) loves to chase the feather wands, when I fling them about, to rally the troups into a bit more exercise.... She is fast at catching it and has a strong grip, when she gets it... It takes multiple tries to pry it free from her claws and mouth....

When she is confident that she has it firmly in her fully clawed grasp, she will drag it into the rocket. She tries to tease it back over to her, each time that it breaks free....

She is a total strategist.... she will wait for it to come around.... then, BAMB, she strikes.... I think she likes the chase far better than the capture.....

(Below) Then, one time, quite by accident, she grabbed it from me... she pulled it into her kitty 'lair' so fast, that she pulled it right out of my hand.....
The following picture, is of the wands handle, hanging down, from the inside of the rocket.... If you check the bottom right hand corner of that picture, you will see a small patch of Mally, as she came flying out of the bottom of the rocket, to get away from it... Neither one of us expected it to follow her fully into the rocket.. lock, stock & barrell.... She got her prize.... but alas, she decided that it wasn't what she wanted after all.... Was quite funny...

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