(Left) Alice (black) staked out her favorite phone booth this past week. I don't have many shy kitties in this Holiday. Most of them are out and about, everywhere. Alice comes out, but not normally when strange people are present. She can be a bit shy like that... but, at her house, she'll give you the grand tour, from the front door... and she's a real chatty girl at home, while she shows you around.

(Left) Mocha (muted tortoise shell) started out in the lower kitchen cabinets, then I spotted her up on top of one of the tree houses, in the back room. Now, I almost always find her inside of one of them. She and her sister Paris are adorable, social little ones. It's great to see them again.

(Left) First, there was Peanut (grey/white tabby), sitting very happily and peacefully, atop one of my snow peaked trees. Do-DiDo-DiDo.... Then.... Oh no! It's that new little brother of mine! Where did he come from!?
(Below) Nando (grey/white kitten) loves to learn, and copy, his big brother Peanut. Up he goes, speeding to the top of the other tree.
(Bottom) 'How's this Peanut?' Do we look like brothers now?!? Do we! Do we!
Too cute! These boys get along really well. They are both very playful and cuddly..... and, they love to climb.

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