(Left) More long time friends.... Handsome big Heflin (orange/white tabby) visited us this past weekend. He's also looking forward to the warmer weather. He's very sweet and has a very expressive face. Mommy Snowy (solid white) is vacationing with her daughter Ople, for the next few weeks. These girls are a couple of real outdoor kitties.... They are on the independant side but gentle.

(Left) We have lots of grey & white tabbies in this week. On the stair ledge, we have Clint. He's a busy boy. From the sounds of things, he can be quite the acrobat and trapeze artist, at the house. At the Pet B&B, he's friendly, laid back & social. That's MommyMommy.... or, Maman, on the bottom step. She's the mother of Romeo & Catou but, in fact, she's the biggest kitten of the 3.... I've caught her running around and playing with Clint already.

(Left) Princess (black/white) was sitting very serenely, looking out the sunny windows, when she saw me appear, with the camera. It didn't take her long to make her way over to me. She loves the windows & the ferris wheel, that's positioned in front of the windows, for snoozin'. That's our Jasper (black) in the background, having a little nosh... of lunch.. I'll post better pics of him, later this week. He's a playful little one...

(Left) Oh, look where Tara's (grey/white tabby) gotten to.... She doesn't normally curl up inside of the castle. She looks rather comfortable though.... I've been finding her, most days lately, on top of her big yellow pillow.... She and her sister Lucille are having a very relaxed holiday with me & the other felines....

(Left) Janie Beans, or Jane, as mom calls her.... Is never that far from BigBird1. This chair is usually parked right in front of BigBird's digs. She's often found on it, or on the bunk beds, to the left of BigBird's house. This goregeous green eyed girl does great when she's Pet B&Bing. Always fun to see her again.