(Left) Mr. D. , or Diablo, as his family refer to him.... was a huge help on Monday with putting the clean laundry away.... This handsome little grey Abysinian has been visiting me for a couple of years. Once he gets sorted, he is a big schmooze.... Thanks for your help Mr. D. We'll do more laundry on Wednesday.... Same time..Same place!

(Left) I wanted a better picture of our gorgeous girl Sassy (chocolate point Siamese). I woke her, when I climbed a set of stairs to get this picture. She's such a calm, gentle girl. She is one laid back kitty!

(Left) More with the schmoozies.... Little Parker just went home yesterday... He is a charmer, through & through.... He knows how to 'work' it, to get what her wants.... which, is usually a warm lap to curl up in.... He's a persistant little big boy.... And, he usually gets his way.... From what his mom says, he is very skilled at this, at home too..... Big cutie!

(Left) Little Lulu (grey/white tabby) came back in for another visit yestereday... I took this picture, shortly after she arrived... She is playful, confident and friendly.... and, has a real love for BigBird2... I think he recognized her... He climbed right down to her eye level, shortly after she walked over to his house... She is gonna have a fun visit.... especially since Miloshka & Jack Henry arrived this morning...
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