(Left) Yes, you're right.... It's Jack Henry (orange tabby) again... He is seen here, sitting... but be sure that he's already planning his next stop.... Here's a boy that doesn't like to see a closed door.... You will see much more of him in the next while..... He's a free spirited guy, that loves to be around the action...

(Left) Jet (black/white) and his brother Neo are visiting for the first time. Jet is a bit shyer around people than his brother but he's quite comfortable with the other felines... I caught him, in this picture, Tuesday morning, keeping an eye on BigBird1. He's a very gentle boy, just like his brother. They are both affectionate and social.

(Left) As I type this, little mister Gaffer (black/white) has landed behind me on my chair... He's a schmoozie little guy...I'm sure to have a big band of black fur, all around my back, with all of the brushing up and head butting that he's doing, against my sweater.... Yep... He's a friendly one. I think he's gotten even more outgoing than he was his first visit... He definitely remembered me and the Pet B&B... He's a lot of fun...

(Left) Not only can mom & family get a 2nd cat to keep Bella (dark tabby/white) company.... I think that they can safely adopt a bird or two, as well... She's such a cutie... not the least bit shy or nervous. She's quite the extrovert, with her little friends....
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