(Left) Little girl Mia (black/white) was a bit shy her first couple of days.... She was quite independant and suspicious of strangers.. people, that is... She was fine with the other felines... But, she's doing great now... She has started hanging out in the airplane... I've even been able to pet her a bit now. She's really getting the hang of this Pet B&B thing!

(Left) There's one of my old friends... Buster (orange/white tabby) had a bit of a wrestling match with his pipe cleaner toy... He's such a cutie... and, for my regular readers, he did mention to overlap the start of his trip, with the end of Chief's trip.... It never fails... These boys must be related or something... they've been synchronizing their holidays for the last year & a half... Chief must get that from his dad.... a very organized man....!

(Left) Oh Romeo, Romeo (dark tabby).... How is it that you always manage to be bunking with the gorgeous girls!? ... Must be all those women that you live with.... Pudgewick (white/dark tabby) popped in on Romeo to take a tour of his diggs.... These 2 are a bit shy around strangers but are both very gentle kitties that love their neck scratches....

(Left) Isn't this a gorgeous picture of little Catou (white/dark tabby). She does have the biggest, most curious eyes... especially for such a sleek little girl... I expect that she & her brother Romeo & mother Maman are home now, catching up on their sleep. They are usually way too active to waste time sleeping at the B&B...
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