Isabell was born in the fall of 2008 in an unbandoned barn behind a church in a small town; she was one of seven young females trying to survive on the food left out for the cats by kindly homeowners. In the spring the young pregnant Isabell was taken into a foster home and soon decided that she liked a life without fear, hunger and cold. Her four kittens were born in a warm box and Isabell was given good food and care. The first time she was stroked, Isabell's eyes were wide with terror but she did not bite or scratch. Almost immediately she decided that she liked the attention, and now even rolls over for belly rubs. Her foster mother writes: " Thankfully, Izzie appreciates everything we have done for her. She has such huge brown vulnerable eyes for such a tiny cat, that you can't help but want to do anything you can to make the rest of her life comfortable, happy and safe. Isabell quickly learned that we were to be trusted and LOVES to sit beside or on you and be petted to the point where she purrs in expectation and runs towards us when we come in the room. "Isabell is ready for a quiet, understanding, and loving cat-savy home for her.If you wish to adopt Coal, or his sister Poutine, please contact the Cat Rescue Network at (613) 820-7088 or via email to flora_louise@yahoo.ca or take a tour of the website at http://catrescuenetwork.ca to see other sweet cats waiting for a forever home.
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