(Left) Simba (orange/white tabby) is in with his brother Gizmo again... The big grey kitty behind Simba's bed is Moustique.... He can be a bit shy, but is getting braver all the time... Simba, on the other hand, is a big orange marshmallow.... soft, sweet and schmoozie.. through & through!

(Left) Toto (muted calico) has stayed with us before... She's a very gentle little one... especially for the color... quite a few calico's are cranky by nature... but, not this one...!

(Left) Monkey (grey/white tabby) was found relaxing in the kitchen cupboards yesterday... I found him at about the same time that our Jack Henry (orange tabby) did... Monkey is the new little brother of Zena.... Monkey is friendly, but his sister Zena can be a total extrovert... Just open a can of tuna... and, you'll see what I mean!

(Left) NewK (dark tabby/white) and her new big sister Alberta (black), just went home a week ago... they both came back to spend the long weekend with us.... Always fun to have them at the Pet B&B...
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