(Left) We recognize all of these furry faces going back many years... On top of the birdhouse we have Coco (dark tabby)... Her brother Oscar (black) is on top of the far left bunkbeds, at the front. To the right of him, is our boy Eins, he's passed out already... On top of the red phone booth is Charlie (Chaplin), the handsome black & white kitty... Then, inside of the phone booth is Dasha (dark tabby/white).. You can't see her sister Bella here, but she is sleeping atop the other red phone booth....
(Left) Here is one of our new friends.. This is Vegabond (white/dark tabby).. He's visiting for the first time with his brother Moustique (grey/white 2 pictures down)... This is one laid back kitty.... and social...
(Left) More new kitty faces.... This is brother Raja (orange/white) and his sister Millie (black/white)... So far, Millie is proving to be the more adventurous one... Raja is just a bit more cautious.. but, both are adorable and friendly..
(Left) Moustique (grey/white) is a big gentle boy... He's a bit shy so far... and quiet.. You never quite know where you'll find him... He's very sweet.. Just like his brother Vegabond...
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