(Left) Noella (black/white) knows how to enjoy a rainy day indoors... She's made fast friends with BigBird2... They spend hours together, during a day, getting to know each other better....
(Left) Felix (solid black) has visited us before... He can be a bit shy of people.. When you look for him, he's undoubtedly curled up in a nice toasty warm hay bail, or inside of the tractor... come to think of it, he likes the phone booths too..... He's a gentle big boy...
(Left) Miko (tortoise shell) has returned for the weekend... She looks quite a bit like Jazoo that was with us last week... Miko loves to hang out in the rocket, but that has been Cleo's favorite playstructure for the past 2 weeks.... So, Miko decided to curl up in the bottom of the Kitty Cab her first day in.... Cleo has since moved on, and now enjoys the top level of the airplane.... and alas, Miko now has her rocket back... Isn't it fun when things just work out!
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