Monday's are usually all about kitties being picked-up to go home... but, not this Monday... All but one kitty stays today and a whole bunch are coming to visit.... We'll need to add a bunch more potatoes to the pot for supper tonight!
(Above) Our adorable little friend Ellie (black) is visiting for her last time... She and her mom are finished their posting here and are moving back to the USA following this stay... We wish them both the very best and, you never know, maybe we'll see them again one day... Life can be funny like that sometimes!
(Left) One of our gorgeous new faces is Chelsea (white/dark tabby). It's her first time in.... She's fine with the other cats but can be a bit shy with people... She is coming around... I can actually pet her now.... albeit, for short periods only...
(Left) Django's (orange tabby) face may look a bit funny in this picture... believe me when I say that I took many to get this one.... He was being very goofy rubbing his neck up and down and around the big scratching post.... He's a typical male orange marshmallow boy! Veerrry friendly... Part puppy, I think!
(Left) Yes. Diablo is back in already... He just went home a few short days ago... He's a grey Abysinian.... quite a talker, this lad...Good thing we have so many kitties coming this week.. He'll have lots of friends to talk to!
i think only a true cat person can pet my chelsea-monster! this is a good sign. :-) i had a good feeling about the pet b&b. thanks for keeping me updated!