(Left) There is Beaker (black/white)... Hard at leisure!! ... Don't overlook her trademark crossed front paws... That's a sure sign that she's done for the day! Nice going BeakieBear!! She and her sister Petrie just went home.... Cuties, cuties, everywhere.....

(Left) Portia (solid grey) hasn't yet realized that she's being studied and observed by the little cutie NewK (white/dark tabby)... Portia is visiting again. She found, what she thought would be, a quiet, unassuming hidey-hole to curl up in for the afternoon.... What she didn't realize was that little NewK has already discovered all of the hide outs... in one short visit...!

(Left) Buster (orange/white tabby)... do we look different upside down big guy?! This is another of our long time, regular kitty friends.... BustieBear is a very handsome little orange marshmallow....
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