(Left) Here's another of our regular tabbies. Tora is a gorgeous silver & white color... we don't have very many silver's like this. He likes to pretend that he's very fierce with people sometimes.. but, the truth is, he's really gentle... He's a very interesting cat. When he trusts you, he completely lets his guard down...I have lots of fun with Tora.

(Left) Salem (black) is in again with her sister Shadow, also a short haired black... Salem jumps between our wall mounted hot air balloons, until she finds the one that she wishes to enjoy her nap in.... It took her all of about..... 10 minutes, this trip, to discover that we had put them up.... Leave it to the regulars to notice any changes... Salem & Shadow are very friendly, social girls...

(Left) Our handsome orange & white male, in the background, is our dear friend Heflin. He's a chatty & expressive big boy. He's such an elegant little one... his walk, his pose, his gaze... I hope it's alright to call a male elegant... no offense intended Heflin... You just have such style... it bears mentioning... Here's our little older cutie Munchkin again (black with white)... She is quite a unique little girl too.

(Left) Clara. Oh Clara. I said... Claaarraaa. Oh boy. I hope the eleven o'clock train doesn't wake her!! She's a gorgeous little one... I think I know a few people that would be very jealous of how soundly this little girl can sleep.... Oddly enough, she does usually wake up if I'm trying to snap a cute pic of her sleeping... She must be getting used to me... 'I'll just lie here and pretend to sleep.. Maybe she'll just go away already!'

(Left) You know that we've brought out the 'magic wands' when the gang congregates together. On the floor, leading the cat-pack, is Winter, the grey & white very playful tabby (left). Chewbaca (white & dark tabby) has been keeping an eye on Winter, to see who wins down there... Chloe (grey/white long haired tabby) doesn't want to get too close to Winter because he gets these 'crazy bursts of energy' while he plays.. kinda turns other-worldly.... when he gets down and serious about winning.... Cordy (dark tabby) is partially visible in the background.... They were at this quite a while. Chewbaka would grab the wand, from up top, once and a while...He'd wrestle it to the ground....
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