(Left) Timor (grey tabby on chair) suspects that pillows don't normally move all on their own.... sure enough, he was right again! That big grey 'pillow mover' would be our big handsome boy Mindy.... He's one of our regular kitty/ferret visitors.... Both of these guys are so gentle... Mindy tends to be on the shy side.. Good thing we have so many pillows!

(Left) Yes, it's Rodney again (orange/white tabby). He and brother Leo are enjoying the first part of their summer with us so far. Rodney is a 'height' lover, while Leo loves to be close to the floor, most days... Both orange tabbies, both adorable... They say Hi to the family overseas....

(Left) As busy as the summer is for Erin & I, we always find some quality time to spend one-on-one with each of our furry friends... Juliette (tortoise shell) is always up for a little extra, extra-curricular.....She's a playful girl....

(Left) Jak (dark tabby/white) is a definite 'height'boy.... and, just an all around social guy... He's never far from the other playful ones, or the action... We've gotten to know Jak well over the past few years...

(Left) Our sisters Alley (left) and Naomi (right) just left on Saturday to go back home... It was their first visit with us... They both did great. They weren't as keen on the car ride from & back to Montreal, but they had a very interesting visit with us... They are both dark tabbies. They aren't litter mates....but do seem to get along quite well.
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