(Left) Speaking of normal business... Rodney (orange/white tabby), was just being a curious, happy cat when he positioned himself on the top of BigBird 2's house...He and his brother Leo, take turns 'guarding' BigBird, from all of those other kitties, that have less than pure intentions.... Oh, Is that what you guys are doing! Hmmm. I learn something new every day!

(Left) Mimi (grey/white tabby) came back in at the same time as Chloe (grey/white long hair). These 2 girls often end up vacationing at the same time. The only one that we were missing was Celeste... another long haired grey/white. It's rare that the 3 girls aren't here together.. (Just as I was thinking this, Celeste's dad called. Celeste is coming back in today). It had to be! Or, it wouldn't have felt right! Each of these three gorgeous girls is friendly, but with distinct personalities...

(Left) Mally (dark tabby) gives me 'The Look'. She is one independant little girl... She can be very sweet.. and, sometimes, she can have quite the sense of humour... She has some of the keenest ears that we've seen on a cat... Her ears follow the various noises, like a satelite dish turning to pick up the best signal... She doesn't miss much..

(Left) And then, there are others, that only came to rest, relax and enjoy the scenery.. Our little old boy Dimitrie, does just that. He's a very lovable boy. You will always find him on a big fluffy pillow somewhere.
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