(Left) Peanut (grey/white tabby) spent his summer vacation with us again this year. We got to hang out with him this past Christmas too. He is one friendly little boy; gentle through & through! Always a pleasure to see him.
(Left) Young kittens are so flexible. This little boy, Dusty, (grey/white) has a spine of rubber... If you watch him for a while, you'd think that you could just fold him up into a tiny square and carry him around like that.... that might work... if he wasn't such a busy little boy.. Just ask him to sit still for a minute while you try! He and his brother Cotton are full of energy & gusto!
(Left) Annour must've had a busy morning this day. He's gone! Passed right out! It's normal for cats to be zonked out for a day or two when they return home. They'll get up to eat, drink & do their business... then, it's back to bed. Everyone should be a little tired after a vacation... means that you had a great time! Sleep is so over-rated!
(Left) Here she is again, Portia (grey) is driving the tractor... She's done it so many times, she can do it in her sleep now! Little cutie Frimousse (grey/white tabby) Sits clear of the tractor. It's much safer, over here, on the BigBird1 look out. Annour (white with dark tabby) makes another cameo appearance...
(Left) 'How 'bout now... Am I still adorable like this?!? Oh Sweetie! We could shave you down to your underwear and you'd still be lovable! Always fun to have this crazy little boy in for a visit.
(Left) Why is it that we see so many orange bellies up in the air all of the time! Yes Coco! I'm sure that we can manage another tummy rub... Not to worry.. There is an endless supply of them on offer at the Pet B&B. Mr. Wriggles (black & white) and Silver (grey & white) don't seen to notice Coco's antics.... Could it be that they've seen her do this before!?
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