(Left) Our handsome friend Cordy (dark tabby/white) spent part of the day getting to know our adorable Pippi (orange/white tabby) better. They had met on a few earlier occasions, so he took this time to catch up with her. They are a couple of extroverts... I'm sure they must've had lots of stories to exchange...
(Left) Here is another of our gorgeous little girls. This one is named Kissa (black/white). She can be quite the schmooze too. She's doing great. This picture doesn't do her justice.. She has the most gorgeous eyes... It's her first vacation with us. She enjoys a bit of height. The stair structure, at the top of our 2nd floor staircase, is where you'll often find her....
(Left) It's great to see Sophie (dark tabby - top plane), getting some real play time in, with her newer little brother Lincoln (grey - bottom plane). Theirs, was a testy relationship, when Lincoln moved in. I think Sophie is finally gettting used to his extreme playfulness. They both have a love for the airplane in common.. That's a start!
(Left) Annour (white/dark tabby) watched Silver (grey/white) rather carefully to observe his 'maneouvres' in trying to catch that big pink 'fluffy thing'! Silver seemed to know how to make it 'come to life'... Sometimes, Silver would play with the bottom portion, and Annour would wrestle it from the top... They did manage to free it from it's holder.. I found it later, on the floor, towards the back of the room.. I think I probably missed a few good pictures somewhere along the way!
(Left) Here's Leo (orange tabby) again.. More touring, more adventure... I snapped him up, on his descent from the top of BigBird2's house... 'I know he's home... but, he's not answering the door! I'll try again later.' He, and his brother Rodney, are keeping very busy and getting lots of exercise.
(Left) Many people will recognize Charlie Chaplan (black/white) from his other visits... When this little boy comes to visit, there is no adjustment period.. He settles right into his favorite places & 'hits the ground running'... actually, he hits the ground, with a relaxed, leisurely stride... Then, he climbs up to, either the top bunk bed or the top of the red phone booth.... to survey the situation and see which kitties he recognizes from other visits.
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